A small class based package to help with human-readable calculations of time.
For when you need to convert a human-readable number of minutes or seconds into an integer of seconds (for example expiry time on a Cache object)
You can install the package via composer:
composer require fredbradley/easytime
use FredBradley\EasyTime\EasySeconds;
$seconds = EasySeconds::AN_HOUR; // returns 3600
$seconds = EasySeconds::hours(2); // return 7200
// Want to know how many minutes in a year?
$minutes = EasyMinutes::A_YEAR;
// And if you want to you can mix them together...
$seconds = EasySeconds::minutes(EasyMinutes::AN_HOUR); // return 3600
// Number of Seconds in a given month?
$minutes = EasyMinutes::days(EasyDays::month('january'));
// Leap Years? Yep..
$minutes = EasyMinutes::days(EasyDays::month('february', true)); // where the second variable is a boolean for a leap year
Pull requests open for people who find this useful and want to build more.
(100% Code Coverage)
composer test
If you discover any security related issues, please email code@fredbradley.co.uk instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.