A small lib/cli to extract information from Rapid7's FDNS datasets
Using the CLI:
fdns-filter [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --kind <kind> --path <path> --regex <regex>
-h, --help Prints help information
-v, --value filter on value field (if omitted it automatically uses the name field)
-V, --version Prints version information
-a, --allow-list <allow-list> path to txt containing allowed domains [env: FDNS_ALLOW_LIST=]
-k, --kind <kind> which kind to look for A, AAAA, TXT, MX or CNAME [env: FDNS_KIND=]
-o, --output <output> table or json output [env: FDNS_OUTPUT=] [default: table]
-p, --path <path> path to fdns gzip file [env: FDNS_PATH=]
-r, --regex <regex> regex pattern to use as filter [env: FDNS_REGEX=]