CAVE: Hic sunt dracones
Singularity Image now at library://fzimmermann89/idi/idi
Conda Pacakges at zimmf/idi
PIP Source at idi
Wheels at Releases
- ipynb: example notebooks
- simulation: simulation of incoherent images
- reconstruction: direct and ft based reconstruction
- util: some small utilities for data analysis, geometry and random distributions, etc.
Use Singulariy, if using OOD launcher, use the following to start a jupyterhub
function jupyter() { singularity run --app jupyter --nv -B /sdf,/gpfs,/scratch,/lscratch library://fzimmermann89/idi/idi $@; }
- Download and install miniconda, setup ssh tunnel for web access.
conda create -n local3 python=3.7 numpy mkl mkl-dev ipython ipykernel cython jinja2 numba numexpr matplotlib six scipy jupyterlab
conda activate local3
pip install
python -m ipykernel install --user --name local-simulation-env3 --display-name "local simulation(py37)"
(C) Felix Zimmermann