This is a Test Automation Framework demo that I have developed myself from the ground up.
I've incorporated both Test-Driven (TDD) and Data-Driven Testing (DDT) into this TestNG Framework
- based on Page Object Model (POM) Pattern Design.
- ... and some tools I've implemented are:
- Java as main language,
- Selenium as automation,
- TestNG for assertion and running tests,
- XML files for running tests such as regression and smoke tests,
- Extent Reports for generating beautiful reports after each test,
- Maven as an automation tool management used for dependency management using Project Object Model (pom.xml),
- .properties files for reading and retrieving test data from the config package,
- Excel utility function for reading and writing data to and from spreadsheets,
- CommonFunctions class added for reuse to avoid DRY (Don't repeat yourself) principle,
- and many more...
1. Organized, minimalistic, and clean coding is the key!
When someone pulls/opens your framework, you don't want this happen to them?
- Follow this simple formula to achieve number 1.
graph LR
A[Write Code] --> B{Does it work?}
B -- Yes --> C[Great!]
B -- No --> D[Google/StackOverFlow]
D -- Research/Refactor --> A
C --- E{{is it clean code?}}
E -- Yes --> F[Great!]
E -- No -->D
System.out.println("Happy Coding!");