Gnuplot.jl is a simple package able to send both data and commands from Julia to an underlying gnuplot process. Its main purpose it to provide a fast and powerful data visualization framework, using an extremely concise Julia syntax. It also has automatic display of plots in Jupyter, Juno and VS Code.
New examples added in the following sections of the documentation:
- Basic usage -> Transparency
- Advanced usage -> Animations
The code in version 1.6.0 underwent a signficant refactoring, and a few minor details may potentially break your code. Please have a look at !!
Install with:
]add Gnuplot
A working gnuplot package must be installed on your platform.
Test package:
using Gnuplot
The following examples are supposed to be self-explaining. See documentation for further informations.
x = 1.:20
@gp x x.^2 "with lines title 'Parabola'""examples/ex1.png", term="pngcairo size 480,360")
Gnuplot.savescript("examples/") # => save a script file with both data and command to re-create the plot.
x = -2pi:0.1:2pi
approx = fill(0., length(x));
@gp tit="Polynomial approximation of sin(x)" key="opaque" linetypes(:Blues_4)
@gp :- "set encoding utf8" raw"""set xtics ('-π' -pi, '-π/2' -pi/2, 0, 'π/2' pi/2, 'π' pi)"""
@gp :- xr=3.8.*[-1, 1] yr=[-1.5,1.5] "set grid front"
@gp :- x sin.(x) approx .+= x "w filledcurve t 'n=0' lt 1"
@gp :- x sin.(x) approx .+= -x.^3/6 "w filledcurve t 'n=1' lt 2"
@gp :- x sin.(x) approx .+= x.^5/120 "w filledcurve t 'n=2' lt 3"
@gp :- x sin.(x) approx .+= -x.^7/5040 "w filledcurve t 'n=3' lt 4"
@gp :- x sin.(x) "w l t 'sin(x)' lw 2 lc rgb 'black'""examples/ex2.png", term="pngcairo size 640,480")
x = randn(10_000)
y = randn(10_000)
h = hist(x, y, bs1=0.25, nbins2=20)
@gp "set multiplot layout 1,2"
@gp :- 1 key="outside top center box horizontal" "set size ratio -1" h
clines = contourlines(h, "levels discrete 10, 30, 60, 90");
for i in 1:length(clines)
@gp :- clines[i].data "w l t '$(clines[i].z)' lw $i lc rgb 'gray'" :-
@gsp :- 2 hist_bins(h, 1) hist_bins(h, 2) hist_weights(h) "w pm3d notit""examples/ex3.png", term="pngcairo size 660,350 fontscale 0.8")
The main gallery of examples is maintained in a separate repository:
Since Gnuplot.jl is just a transparent interface (not a wrapper) it exposes all capabilities of the underlying gnuplot process, hence pure-gnuplot examples also applies to Gnuplot.jl. Further examples are available here: