This project contains implementations for the following dimensionality reduction methods and their application to the domains of similarity search (i.e. approximate k-Nearest Neighbors) and clustering:
Clustering through reverse assignment using range queries
1. Index all data points of interest in either data structure (LSH hash tables or a single Hypercube hash table)
2. Initialize all cluster centroids
3. At each iteration, for each centroid execute a ranged query around it and assign all neighboring points to it
4. The initial radii can be computed as min(dist between centers)/2 and after each iteration they are doubled
5. Repeat the above steps until the algorithm converges to a fix point, or certain criteria are met
6. If there are any unassigned points, we can assign them using the classic K-Means algorithm
7. Output computed clusters
For clustering, we used the initialization scheme of K-Means++ and we implemented the classic Lloyd's algorithm, comparing it to the above methods based on the well-known Silhouette metric. See the project documentation, benchmark results and the related bibliography.