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Gianluca committed Feb 7, 2021
1 parent 4dde05b commit 9aae2a7
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import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def compute_uncertainty_bounds(est: np.array, std: np.array):
return np.maximum(0, est - 2 * std), est + 2 * std

def plot_market_estimates(data: dict, est: np.array, std: np.array):
It makes a market estimation plot with prices, trends, uncertainties and volumes.
data: dict
Downloaded data.
est: np.array
Price trend estimate at market-level.
std: np.array
Standard deviation estimate of price trend at market-level.
print('\nPlotting market estimation...')
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3))
logp = np.log(data['price'])
t = logp.shape[1]
lb, ub = compute_uncertainty_bounds(est, std)

plt.title("Market", fontsize=15)
avg_price = np.exp(logp.mean(0))
l1 = plt.plot(data["dates"], avg_price, label="avg. price in {}".format(data['default_currency']), color="C0")
l2 = plt.plot(data["dates"], est[0], label="trend", color="C1")
l3 = plt.fill_between(data["dates"], lb[0], ub[0], alpha=0.2, label="+/- 2 st. dev.", color="C0")
plt.ylabel("avg. price in {}".format(data['default_currency']), fontsize=12)
l4 =["dates"], data['volume'].mean(0), width=1, color='g', alpha=0.2, label='avg. volume')
for d in range(1, t):
if avg_price[d] - avg_price[d - 1] < 0:
plt.ylabel("avg. volume", fontsize=12)
ll = l1 + l2 + [l3] + [l4]
labels = [l.get_label() for l in ll]
plt.legend(ll, labels, loc="upper left")
fig_name = 'market_estimation.png'
fig.savefig(fig_name, dpi=fig.dpi)
print('Market estimation plot has been saved to {}/{}.'.format(os.getcwd(), fig_name))

def plot_sector_estimates(data: dict, info: dict, est: np.array, std: np.array):
It makes a plot for each sector with prices, trends, uncertainties and volumes.
data: dict
Downloaded data.
info: dict
Model hierarchy information.
est: np.array
Price trend estimate at sector-level.
std: np.array
Standard deviation estimate of price trend at sector-level.
print('\nPlotting sector estimation...')
num_columns = 3
logp = np.log(data['price'])
t = logp.shape[1]
lb, ub = compute_uncertainty_bounds(est, std)

NA_sectors = np.where(np.array([sec[:2] for sec in info['unique_sectors']]) == "NA")[0]
num_NA_sectors = len(NA_sectors)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, max(info['num_sectors'] - num_NA_sectors, 5)))
j = 0
for i in range(info['num_sectors']):
if i not in NA_sectors:
j += 1
plt.subplot(int(np.ceil((info['num_sectors'] - num_NA_sectors) / num_columns)), num_columns, j)
plt.title(info['unique_sectors'][i], fontsize=15)
idx_sectors = np.where(np.array(info['sectors_id']) == i)[0]
avg_price = np.exp(logp[idx_sectors].reshape(-1, t).mean(0))
l1 = plt.plot(data["dates"], avg_price,
label="avg. price in {}".format(data['default_currency']), color="C0")
l2 = plt.plot(data["dates"], est[i], label="trend", color="C1")
l3 = plt.fill_between(data["dates"], lb[i], ub[i], alpha=0.2, label="+/- 2 st. dev.",
plt.ylabel("avg. price in {}".format(data['default_currency']), fontsize=12)
l4 =["dates"],
data['volume'][np.where(np.array(info['sectors_id']) == i)[0]].reshape(-1, t).mean(0),
width=1, color='g', alpha=0.2, label='avg. volume')
for d in range(1, t):
if avg_price[d] - avg_price[d - 1] < 0:
plt.ylabel("avg. volume", fontsize=12)
ll = l1 + l2 + [l3] + [l4]
labels = [l.get_label() for l in ll]
plt.legend(ll, labels, loc="upper left")

fig_name = 'sector_estimation.png'
fig.savefig(fig_name, dpi=fig.dpi)
print('Sector estimation plot has been saved to {}/{}.'.format(os.getcwd(), fig_name))

def plot_industry_estimates(data: dict, info: dict, est: np.array, std: np.array):
It makes a plot for each industry with prices, trends, uncertainties and volumes.
data: dict
Downloaded data.
info: dict
Model hierarchy information.
est: np.array
Price trend estimate at industry-level.
std: np.array
Standard deviation estimate of price trend at industry-level.
print('\nPlotting industry estimation...')
num_columns = 3
logp = np.log(data['price'])
t = logp.shape[1]
lb, ub = compute_uncertainty_bounds(est, std)

NA_industries = np.where(np.array([ind[:2] for ind in info['unique_industries']]) == "NA")[0]
num_NA_industries = len(NA_industries)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, max(info['num_industries'] - num_NA_industries, 5)))
j = 0
for i in range(info['num_industries']):
if i not in NA_industries:
j += 1
plt.subplot(int(np.ceil((info['num_industries'] - num_NA_industries) / num_columns)), num_columns, j)
plt.title(info['unique_industries'][i], fontsize=15)
idx_industries = np.where(np.array(info['industries_id']) == i)[0]
plt.title(info['unique_industries'][i], fontsize=15)
avg_price = np.exp(logp[idx_industries].reshape(-1, t).mean(0))
l1 = plt.plot(data["dates"], avg_price,
label="avg. price in {}".format(data['default_currency']), color="C0")
l2 = plt.plot(data["dates"], est[i], label="trend", color="C1")
l3 = plt.fill_between(data["dates"], lb[i], ub[i], alpha=0.2, label="+/- 2 st. dev.",
plt.ylabel("avg. price in {}".format(data['default_currency']), fontsize=12)
l4 =["dates"],
data['volume'][np.where(np.array(info['industries_id']) == i)[0]].reshape(-1, t).mean(0),
width=1, color='g', alpha=0.2, label='avg. volume')
for d in range(1, t):
if avg_price[d] - avg_price[d - 1] < 0:
plt.ylabel("avg. volume", fontsize=12)
ll = l1 + l2 + [l3] + [l4]
labels = [l.get_label() for l in ll]
plt.legend(ll, labels, loc="upper left")
fig_name = 'industry_estimation.png'
fig.savefig(fig_name, dpi=fig.dpi)
print('Industry estimation plot has been saved to {}/{}.'.format(os.getcwd(), fig_name))

def plot_stock_estimates(data: dict, est: np.array, std: np.array, rank_type: str, rank: list, ranked_rates: np.array):
It makes a plot for each stock with prices, trends, uncertainties and volumes.
data: dict
Downloaded data.
est: np.array
Price trend estimate at stock-level.
std: np.array
Standard deviation estimate of price trend at stock-level.
rank_type: str
Type of rank. It can be either `rate` or `growth`.
rank: list
List of integers at stock-level indicating the rank specified in `rank_type`.
ranked_rates: np.array
Array of rates at stock-level ranked according to `rank`.
num_stocks, t = data['price'].shape

# determine which stocks are along trend to avoid plotting them
if rank_type == "rate":
to_plot = np.where(np.array(ranked_rates) != "ALONG TREND")[0]
to_plot = np.where(np.array(ranked_rates) == "ALONG TREND")[0][:99]
dont_plot = [x for x in np.arange(num_stocks) if x not in to_plot]
num_to_plot = len(to_plot)
if num_to_plot > 0:
print('\nPlotting stock estimation...')
num_columns = 3

ranked_tickers = np.array(data['tickers'])[rank]
ranked_p = data['price'][rank]
ranked_volume = data['volume'][rank]
ranked_currencies = np.array(data['currencies'])[rank]
ranked_est = est[rank]
ranked_std = std[rank]

ranked_lb, ranked_ub = compute_uncertainty_bounds(ranked_est, ranked_std)

j = 0
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, max(num_to_plot, 5)))
for i in range(num_stocks):
if i not in dont_plot:
j += 1
plt.subplot(int(np.ceil(num_to_plot / num_columns)), num_columns, j)
plt.title(ranked_tickers[i], fontsize=15)
l1 = plt.plot(data["dates"], ranked_p[i], label="price in {}".format(ranked_currencies[i]))
l2 = plt.plot(data["dates"], ranked_est[i], label="trend")
l3 = plt.fill_between(data["dates"], ranked_lb[i], ranked_ub[i], alpha=0.2,
label="+/- 2 st. dev.")
plt.ylabel("price in {}".format(ranked_currencies[i]), fontsize=12)
l4 =["dates"], ranked_volume[i], width=1, color='g', alpha=0.2, label='volume')
for d in range(1, t):
if ranked_p[i, d] - ranked_p[i, d - 1] < 0:
plt.ylabel("volume", fontsize=12)
ll = l1 + l2 + [l3] + [l4]
labels = [l.get_label() for l in ll]
plt.legend(ll, labels, loc="upper left")
fig_name = 'stock_estimation.png'
fig.savefig(fig_name, dpi=fig.dpi)
print('Stock estimation plot has been saved to {}/{}.'.format(os.getcwd(), fig_name))

elif os.path.exists('stock_estimation.png'):

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