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- Na primeira pesquisa foi aplicado o seguinte filtro:
Saída 1 em JSON
"@odata.context": "https://ai900-search-index.search.windows.net/indexes('coffee-index')/$metadata#docs(*)",
"value": [
"@search.score": 2.6786075,
"content": "\nReview: I often make Fourth Coffee my meeting spot for my client meetings weekday mornings. I own a small business and the folks who work at Fourth Coffee are always very friendly. It leaves a good impression on my clients. There are also plenty of drink selections, good wi-fi, and seating. Some of my favorite coffees are the lavender honey latte and, in the winter, the apple-chai latte. There are delicious baked goods offered as well. \nDate: October 21, 2018\nLocation: Chicago, Illinois \n\nimage1.png\n\n\n\n",
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"locations": [
"meeting spot",
"keyphrases": [
"delicious baked goods",
"lavender honey latte",
"apple-chai latte",
"Fourth Coffee",
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"small business",
"good impression",
"drink selections",
"good wi",
"favorite coffees",
"sentiment": "[\"positive\"]",
"merged_content": "\nReview: I often make Fourth Coffee my meeting spot for my client meetings weekday mornings. I own a small business and the folks who work at Fourth Coffee are always very friendly. It leaves a good impression on my clients. There are also plenty of drink selections, good wi-fi, and seating. Some of my favorite coffees are the lavender honey latte and, in the winter, the apple-chai latte. There are delicious baked goods offered as well. \nDate: October 21, 2018\nLocation: Chicago, Illinois \n\nimage1.png\n \n\n\n",
"text": [
"layoutText": [
"imageTags": [
"human face",
"imageCaption": [
"{\"tags\":[\"person\",\"woman\",\"laptop\",\"dish\"],\"captions\":[{\"text\":\"a woman showing a woman something on a tablet\",\"confidence\":0.513512134552002}]}"
"@search.score": 2.6028101,
"content": "\n\nReview: The coffee tastings every Wednesday afternoon are so fun. Each month there is a new drink theme. You do need to book a spot in advance to attend. It is very worth it! I also love their local music. Fourth Coffee brings in rising artists every weekend. I like to head over there mid-afternoon on weekdays when it’s not too busy and get a slice of pie or their seasonal baked goods. \nDate: August 13, 2018\nLocation: Chicago, Illinois \n\nimage1.png\n\n\n\nimage2.png\n\n\n\n",
"metadata_storage_path": "aHR0cHM6Ly9jaGFsbGVuZ2VhaTkwMHN0b3JhZ2UuYmxvYi5jb3JlLndpbmRvd3MubmV0L2NvZmZlZS1yZXZpZXdzL3Jldmlldy00LmRvY3g1",
"locations": [
"Fourth Coffee",
"keyphrases": [
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"coffee tastings",
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"Fourth Coffee",
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"ierican Coffee",
"sentiment": "[\"positive\"]",
"merged_content": "\n\nReview: The coffee tastings every Wednesday afternoon are so fun. Each month there is a new drink theme. You do need to book a spot in advance to attend. It is very worth it! I also love their local music. Fourth Coffee brings in rising artists every weekend. I like to head over there mid-afternoon on weekdays when it’s not too busy and get a slice of pie or their seasonal baked goods. \nDate: August 13, 2018\nLocation: Chicago, Illinois \n\nimage1.png\n ierican Coffee 114 10148/0034 \n\n\nimage2.png\n \n\n\n",
"text": [
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"imageTags": [
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"plucked string instruments",
"acoustic guitar",
"imageCaption": [
"{\"tags\":[\"cup\",\"coffee\",\"table\",\"indoor\",\"pastry\",\"beverage\",\"breakfast\",\"close\"],\"captions\":[{\"text\":\"a group of small cups with brown liquid in them\",\"confidence\":0.39556038379669189}]}",
"{\"tags\":[\"person\",\"music\",\"guitar\",\"bowed instrument\",\"bass\"],\"captions\":[{\"text\":\"a person playing a guitar\",\"confidence\":0.54444891214370728}]}"
"@search.score": 2.346014,
"content": "Review: Today I was truly disappointed with how long I had to wait for the pastries I ordered ahead of time. When I got my box, some of the pastries seemed stale. Terrible experience! \nDate: October 23, 2018\nLocation: Chicago, Illinois \n\n",
"metadata_storage_path": "aHR0cHM6Ly9jaGFsbGVuZ2VhaTkwMHN0b3JhZ2UuYmxvYi5jb3JlLndpbmRvd3MubmV0L2NvZmZlZS1yZXZpZXdzL3Jldmlldy04LmRvY3g1",
"locations": [
"keyphrases": [
"Terrible experience",
"sentiment": "[\"negative\"]",
"merged_content": "Review: Today I was truly disappointed with how long I had to wait for the pastries I ordered ahead of time. When I got my box, some of the pastries seemed stale. Terrible experience! \nDate: October 23, 2018\nLocation: Chicago, Illinois \n\n",
"text": [],
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"imageTags": [],
"imageCaption": []
- Na segunda pesquisa foi aplicado o seguinte filtro:
Saída 2 em JSON
"@odata.context": "https://ai900-search-index.search.windows.net/indexes('coffee-index')/$metadata#docs(*)",
"value": [
"@search.score": 0.6931472,
"content": "Review: Today I was truly disappointed with how long I had to wait for the pastries I ordered ahead of time. When I got my box, some of the pastries seemed stale. Terrible experience! \nDate: October 23, 2018\nLocation: Chicago, Illinois \n\n",
"metadata_storage_path": "aHR0cHM6Ly9jaGFsbGVuZ2VhaTkwMHN0b3JhZ2UuYmxvYi5jb3JlLndpbmRvd3MubmV0L2NvZmZlZS1yZXZpZXdzL3Jldmlldy04LmRvY3g1",
"locations": [
"keyphrases": [
"Terrible experience",
"sentiment": "[\"negative\"]",
"merged_content": "Review: Today I was truly disappointed with how long I had to wait for the pastries I ordered ahead of time. When I got my box, some of the pastries seemed stale. Terrible experience! \nDate: October 23, 2018\nLocation: Chicago, Illinois \n\n",
"text": [],
"layoutText": [],
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A busca por IA para indexação e consulta de dados revoluciona a maneira como interagimos com grandes volumes de informação. Ferramentas como assistentes virtuais, sistemas de recomendação e plataformas de análise de dados se beneficiam enormemente, oferecendo respostas rápidas e insights precisos. Durante o processo, aprende-se a importância da qualidade dos dados, a necessidade de algoritmos eficientes e a capacidade de adaptar-se continuamente às mudanças nas tendências de dados. A IA não apenas simplifica a busca por informações, mas também desbloqueia novas possibilidades para descobertas e inovações.