Releases: gogolcorp/go-yave
3.5.0 (2021-10-05)
3.4.0 (2021-10-05)
Implemented enhancements:
3.3.0 (2021-10-04)
Closed issues:
- [US] As a developer, I want to have one Dockerfile for both dev + prod env #28
Merged pull requests:
3.2.0 (2021-09-08)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- [US] As a developer, I want to have a /cmd folder to contain my main file #29
Merged pull requests:
3.0.0 (2021-09-06)
Closed issues:
- [US] As a repository owner, I want to have a labeler action #23
- [US] As a repository owner, I want to have a repo with folder name that make sense #22
Merged pull requests:
- Feat project layout #26 (blyndusk)
- update(labels): #23 - labeler action #25 (blyndusk)
- Feat labeler action #24 (blyndusk)
2.0.1 (2021-06-25)
Closed issues:
- [US] As a developer, I want to have a short go prohject with many features as a default project #20
2.0.0 (2021-06-25)
Closed issues:
- [US] As a developer, I want to have a golang cli as base project #18
Merged pull requests:
1.0.0 (2021-04-02)
Closed issues:
- [US] As a repository owner, I want to have an accurate documentation #15
- [US] As a repository owner, I want to be able to create a release filled with changelog using GitHub Action #3
Merged pull requests:
0.1.0 (2021-04-02)
Closed issues:
- [US] As a repository owner, I want to be able to check my code with linting using GitHub Action #13
- [US] As a repository owner, I want to be able to push my Docker image to GitHub Package Registry via GitHub Actions #5
- [US] As a developer, I want to be able to dockerize my application #4
- As a repository owner, I want to have commits/branches/issues/pull request conventions #1
Merged pull requests:
- Feat Release Action #16 (blyndusk)
- fix(action): #13 python workflow #14 (blyndusk)
- Feat Docker Action #12 (blyndusk)
- update(docker): #4 fix files #11 (blyndusk)
- Feat dockerize #10 (blyndusk)
- Feat app #9 (blyndusk)
- doc(readme): #4 Makefile #8 (blyndusk)
- Feat dockerize #6 (blyndusk)
- Feat conventions #2 (blyndusk)
3.4.0 (2021-10-05)
Implemented enhancements:
3.3.7 (2021-10-04)
3.3.0 (2021-10-04)
Closed issues:
- [US] As a developer, I want to have one Dockerfile for both dev + prod env #28
Merged pull requests:
3.2.0 (2021-09-08)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- [US] As a developer, I want to have a /cmd folder to contain my main file #29
Merged pull requests:
3.1.0 (2021-09-06)
3.0.0 (2021-09-06)
Closed issues:
- [US] As a repository owner, I want to have a labeler action #23
- [US] As a repository owner, I want to have a repo with folder name that make sense #22
Merged pull requests:
- Feat project layout #26 (blyndusk)
- update(labels): #23 - labeler action #25 (blyndusk)
- Feat labeler action #24 (blyndusk)
2.0.1 (2021-06-25)
Closed issues:
- [US] As a developer, I want to have a short go prohject with many features as a default project #20
2.0.0 (2021-06-25)
Closed issues:
- [US] As a developer, I want to have a golang cli as base project #18
Merged pull requests:
1.0.2 (2021-04-04)
1.0.1 (2021-04-03)
1.0.0 (2021-04-02)
Closed issues:
- [US] As a repository owner, I want to have an accurate documentation #15
- [US] As a repository owner, I want to be able to create a release filled with changelog using GitHub Action #3
Merged pull requests:
0.1.0 (2021-04-02)
Closed issues:
- [US] As a repository owner, I want to be able to check my code with linting using GitHub Action #13
- [US] As a repository owner, I want to be able to push my Docker image to GitHub Package Registry via GitHub Actions #5
- [US] As a developer, I want to be able to dockerize my application #4
- As a repository owner, I want to have commits/branches/issues/pull request conventions #1
Merged pull requests:
- Feat Release Action #16 (blyndusk)
- fix(action): #13 python workflow #14 (blyndusk)
- Feat Docker Action #12 (blyndusk)
- update(docker): #4 fix files #11 (blyndusk)
- Feat dockerize #10 (blyndusk)
- Feat app #9 (blyndusk)
- doc(readme): #4 Makefile #8 (blyndusk)
- Feat dockerize #6 (blyndusk)
- Feat conventions #2 (blyndusk)
Closed issues:
- [US] As a developer, I want to have one Dockerfile for both dev + prod env #28
Merged pull requests:
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- [US] As a developer, I want to have a /cmd folder to contain my main file #29
Merged pull requests:
Closed issues:
- [US] As a repository owner, I want to have a labeler action #23
- [US] As a repository owner, I want to have a repo with folder name that make sense #22
Merged pull requests:
- Feat project layout #26 (blyndusk)
- update(labels): #23 - labeler action #25 (blyndusk)
- Feat labeler action #24 (blyndusk)
Closed issues:
- [US] As a developer, I want to have a short go prohject with many features as a default project #20
Closed issues:
- [US] As a developer, I want to have a golang cli as base project #18
Merged pull requests:
Closed issues:
- [US] As a repository owner, I want to have an accurate documentation #15
- [US] As a repository owner, I want to be able to create a release filled with changelog using GitHub Action #3
Merged pull requests:
Closed issues:
- [US] As a repository owner, I want to be able to check my code with linting using GitHub Action #13
- [US] As a repository owner, I want to be able to push my Docker image to GitHub Package Registry via GitHub Actions #5
- [US] As a developer, I want to be able to dockerize my application #4
- As a repository owner, I want to have commits/branches/issues/pull request conventions #1
Merged pull requests:
- no changes
3.1.0 (2021-09-06)
3.0.0 (2021-09-06)
2.0.4 (2021-06-25)
2.0.3 (2021-06-25)
2.0.2 (2021-06-25)
2.0.1 (2021-06-25)
2.0.0 (2021-06-25)
1.0.2 (2021-04-04)
1.0.1 (2021-04-03)
1.0.0 (2021-04-02)
0.1.4 (2021-04-02)
0.1.3 (2021-04-02)
0.1.2 (2021-04-02)
0.1.0 (2021-04-02)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
2.0.4 (2021-06-25)
2.0.3 (2021-06-25)
2.0.2 (2021-06-25)
2.0.1 (2021-06-25)
2.0.0 (2021-06-25)
1.0.2 (2021-04-04)
1.0.1 (2021-04-03)
1.0.0 (2021-04-02)
0.1.4 (2021-04-02)
0.1.3 (2021-04-02)
0.1.2 (2021-04-02)
0.1.0 (2021-04-02)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
Merge pull request #16 from blyndusk/feat_actions Feat Release Action