Send PR: Your side. Their side. Or, just lists of sites you were banned from. Which users have been banned from which sites, that perhaps cannot speak for themselves? Frame your content however you want.
Create Issue: Your side. Their side. Status quo or remedy? Frame your content however you want.
Do not press "Send" if you cannot handle the discussion. Keep your private stuff to yourself. You are responsible for your posts.
Banners will have chance to reply to the banned. See "Status quo or remedy?" at "Create Issue" There is zero expectation of any user being banned here at banned.
Cite your primary sources. Unless you attribute the idea to yourself. Facts resolve disputes.
Do not expect claims of "respect" and "disprespect" to resolve issues. Those are emotions, which perpetuate status quo, not remedies. Do not expect what you consider to be "rude" or "offensive" to be true for someone else: if you cannot handle being offended, or direct communication, you will not be saved by mod squad here, kindly go somewhere else right now and forget you ever found this page!
Goebbels was in favor of free speech for views he liked. So was Stalin. If you’re really in favor of free speech, then you’re in favor of freedom of speech for precisely the views you despise. Otherwise, you’re not in favor of free speech. - Noam Chomsky
Do individuals who operate and maintain sites and organizations and who also impose account bans and user suspensions have a process in place for users to appeal the ban or suspension?
- StackExchange: No
- es-discuss: No
- Twitter: No
- W3C: No
- Web Platform Tests: No
- TC39: No
- W3C:
YesNo. There is the title Ombuds at W3C, however, W3C arbitrarily blocks emails from contacting the Ombuds.
Do individuals who operate and maintain sites and organizations and who also impose account bans and user suspensions engage in reprisals against users for asking questions (Freedom of Speech) and, or attempting to appeal the organizations' imposed ban or suspension?
- StackExchange: Yes
- WHATWG: Yes.
- es-discuss: Yes.
- Twitter: Yes.
- W3C: Yes.
- Web Platform Tests: Yes.
- TC39: Yes.
Do individuals who operate and maintain sites and organizations and who also impose account bans and user suspensions cite an algorithm as the reason for the ban or account suspension?
- StackExchange: Yes
- Twitter: Unknown. Could be both algorithm and undisclosed humans. Asked Twitter if an actual human being was reading the email, received no reply.
- GitHub ("Support Community" Yes "Your post contains a word that’s not allowed: Negro"
Do individuals who operate and maintain sites and organizations and who also impose account bans and user suspensions ask you to email them a copy of a state issued identification, or a "real name" is required to join their organization, or to proceed with an appeal - even where no such state issued identification or "real name" was required to become a member of the organization or create a user account or file a bug report, and the site does not disclose exactly what they would do with such a copy of a state issued document?
- Twitter: Yes.
- W3C: Yes.