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All guifi compositions with docker-compose and information related to dockerization

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Docker compositions for the guifi·net web services and applications

Drupal webpage

This repository provides a series of Docker images with Drupal and the drupal-guifi module, for developing the guifi·net website.


The following packages are required:

  • docker engine: version 1.13 or newer
  • python: 2.7
  • python-pip: suitable for version 2.7
  • docker-compose: version 1.10 or newer
  • git: any recent version

Installing the required packages in Debian

First of all, docker-ce engine must be installed. To do so, follow the instructions on Docker's website:

Then install the required Python andd Git packages (if they were not already installed):

sudo apt install -y python2.7 python-pip git

Finally, follow the instructions on Docker's website to install Docker Compose:

Alternatively, you can install Docker Compose via pip:

sudo pip install docker-compose

You are now ready to use this repo's Docker Compose files.

Working with these composition

At this moment we are providing different Docker images which will be useful for different cases. All the images provided support the Xdebug PHP Debugger, which is compatible with a lot of IDEs.

Drupal 6

If you want to work with the current version of the guifi·net webpage, clone this repository inside your development directory with writing permissions:

git clone

Then enter the directory where the docker-compose.yml file is and issue the command to build the development environment:

cd docker-drupal-guifi/drupal6
docker-compose up

The docker-compose command automates the download and installation of the guifi·net website development environment. You can check the output messages that log the different steps performed. The installation will be finished once you see: dev page successfully installed in Docker image!

After that you can head to:

User webmestre has the Drupal user ID #1. It is mandatory to employ this user to test migrations to newer Drupal versions.

In this development environment, all Drupal users registered at are available locally and have the same password: guifi

If you want to erase all the development website's content and create a new one, run the following commands from within the docker-guificompose/drupal6 directory:

docker-compose rm -vf
sudo rm -rf ./guifi-web/*
docker-compose up

Drupal 7

In development

Drupal 8

In development

Using XDebug PHP debugger

Default configuration tries to connect using DBGp protocol to host 9000 port. To start a debugging session you need to add http://localhost:8080/?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=1


There are some compositions to run fiberfy-server API with drupal 6 webpage. This is necessary because both applications share the same database (guifidev). If you want to run fiberfy-server you need to navigate inside drupal6+fiberfy-sails (folder without -sails is deprecated and soon will be removed from this repository). Then it will run with this simple command:

docker-compose up

After that you will have 4 containers running (the only difference with drupal6 standalone composition is the presence of fiberfy-server container).

Update 23-04-2018

You need to change drupal-guifi module branch to use drupal6-fiberfy branch:

cd ./guifi-web/sites/all/modules/guifi
git checkout drupal6-fiberfy

This branch includes some new fields and indexes necessaries to run fiberfy-server with database. After that you have to update development site (by default http://localhost:8080/update.php) selecting last update in guifi module. Then it should work.


All guifi compositions with docker-compose and information related to dockerization






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