World Chat is a unique messenger app that allows different users to live chat and translate their messages on the fly. Language should be no barrier to internet communication!
Create a new account or login with the credentials below:
password: 123456
Each user has a primary language key attached to their profile. If two users enter a chat together, a comparison is made between each of their primary languages. If primary languages are different, each message sent is stored in its original language, and a translated form adapted to the other user's primary language.
User A has a primary language of Spanish User B has a primary language of French
- User A says "Hola".
- User B receives "Hola" but can toggle a switch to see "Bonjour".
Each user has a list of contacts, current chats, and list of friend requests incoming and pending friend requests outgoing.
Users may invite friends to the platform via email that we've implemented using SendGrid.
Fork and clone this repository
//in root directory
npm install
cd client
npm install
npm start
- google-cloud/translate
- sendgrid/mail
- aws-sdk
- bcrypt
- body-parser
- concurrently
- cookie-parser
- cors
- debug
- dotenv
- express
- express-validator
- http-errors
- jsonwebtoken
- mongoose
- morgan
- multer
- nodemon
- uuid
- material-ui/core
- material-ui/icons
- material-ui/lab
- material-ui/styles
- axios
- email-validator
- js-cookie
- moment
- react
- react-copy-to-clipboard
- react-debounce-input
- react-dom
- react-router-dom
- react-scripts
Thank you to Bonnie and Carmen of Hatchways for their assistance, mentorship, and code reviews which have improved this project and in turn, made us better developers.