Receipt scanner is small SPA/REST API combo for consuming receipts and itemizing them for a weekly expense report.
- Uploaded receipts (screenshots work too) are processed using TAGGUN, to automatically recognize the purchase amount, date, store name, etc.
- The user can add notes, adjust information about the receipt, and categorize it.
- The receipts table can be sorted and filtered in multiple ways, and exported to a CSV for download.
You must have docker installed - Docker
Start the dev server for local development:
docker-compose up --build
Once it's finished loaded and it's waiting for you to do something, open up another terminal, navigate to the same root directory and run this to do migrations:
docker exec -i scanner_web php artisan migrate --seed
Then do it with this one to import the oauth tokens (you can re-generate if you want, but you'll have to rebuild the SPA client):
cat docker/dump.sql | docker exec -i scanner_db /usr/bin/mysql -u homestead --password=secret restapi
Once it's finished, open up your browser to localhost:8080 to view the SPA. Login with admin:password123
This demo is broken up into 4 docker containers:
- Uses Lumen for REST API
- Handles storage of uploaded receipts
- Uploaded receipts are queued for processing via redis
- Sits in
- The Vue.js SPA, it retrieves the receipts, uploads/edits them, and a table for sorting/filtering/exporting to CSV.
- Uses Vuex for state management, following a strict one-way data flow starting with the store
- Is updated in realtime via websockets once an uploaded receipt has been processed
- Sits in
- Used as a queue, and for pushing data that will get sent via websockets to the client