Python GUI to simplify working with pen plotters:
- Now supporting: Graphtec MP4200, HP7475a
- Standalone version for Raspberry PI headless printing.
- Telegram notification on print ended
- Poweroff your plotter on print end using a Tasmota-enabled Sonoff controller
- Combine CMYK Split with Flow Imager
Create a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Plotter Utility uses:
- vpype Installation instructions
- vpype-flow-imager Installation instructions
- svgo Installation instructions
- cmyksplit Installation instructions
After installing the dependencies, use Python package manager pip to install the requirements for the GUI.
pip install requirements.txt
Or, if using the standalone version, just run
pip install requirements_standalone.txt
For the GUI interface run:
For the standalone headless version
To keep the print running when closing the SSH connection, I suggest using a terminal multiplexer like screen
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Contains code from the following libraires:
- vogelchr/hp7475a-send LINK