🚧 Under construction 🚧
This project is only for learning purposes. Feel free to use the code provided here, but make sure that it suits your goal. On many occasions, the fastest way to perform certain operations is through the OC CLI itself with a little shell scripting.
This repository is intended to test the k8s and ocp libraries and also to be used for other tasks where the previous advice does not apply for various reasons (one may be the lack of permissions on the resources of the entire cluster).
Also, for many operations, being able to implement the logic in Go and not shell, gives much more flexibility when it grows.
- Clone the project:
git clone
- Use makefile:
make compile
ormake help
if you want to test another options. The makefile compiles for Linux, Windows and BSD. Cross-platform compilation is also implemented.
➜ k8s-playground git:(main) ✗ make help
Choose a command run in k8s-playground:
crosscompile cross platform compilation.
compile execute compilation for the current platform and architecture.
- Execute the CLI:
./bin/k8s-playground --help
➜ k8s-playground git:(main) ✗ ./bin/k8s-playground --help
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k8s-playground - This CLI brings together some personal tests using the K8S and OCP libraries.
k8s-playground [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
networkpolicy networkpolicy related actions
networking networking related actions
route Route related actions
version Displays K8S-Playground CLI version
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help (default: false)
--version, -v print the version (default: false)
INFO[0000] Cli Command Execution took 518.154µs
The connection info yaml file should be formed as follows:
url: cluster-uri:port
user: username
password: password
url: cluster-uri:port
user: username
password: password
url: cluster-uri:port
user: username
password: password
url: cluster-uri:port
user: username
password: password
The authentication and client creation model can be adapted to another incluster type depending on the needs or the part of the library that each person wants to test.
Passing a project or namespace source and another target to the CLI, check if there is connectivity between them.
The goal is not so much to test the connectivity as to test the elements involved: consult the list of services of a given project, access its specification, list the pods to identify a running one on which to launch the command, etc.
k8s-playground networking checkConnection - Backup of all the networkpolicies of a cluster will be created.
k8s-playground networking checkConnection [command options] [arguments...]
--cluster value Cluster to iterate through. E.G: mycluster1 [$CLUSTER]
--supraenvironment value Supraenvironment. E.G: des [$SUPRAENVIRONMENT]
--connectionDataYamlPath value Path to the yaml file containing the credentials and URIs to connect to the different clusters. E.G: example.yml (default: "data/cluster.yml") [$CREDENTIALS_YAML_PATH]
--namespaceSource value Namespace/project source of the connection request. [$NAMESPACE_SOURCE]
--namespaceTarget value Namespace/project target of the connection request. [$NAMESPACE_TARGET]
--help, -h show help (default: false)
Output example:
➜ k8s-playground git:(main) ✗ ./bin/k8s-playground networking checkConnection --cluster mycluster --supraenvironment pre --namespaceSource ns-example-pre --namespaceTarget ns-exampletarget-pre
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INFO[0000] ---------------------------- flags values ----------------------------
INFO[0000] Key: nsOrigin --> ns-example-pre
INFO[0000] Key: nsTarget --> ns-exampletarget-pre
INFO[0000] Key: dryRun --> false
INFO[0000] Key: cluster --> mycluster
INFO[0000] Key: supraenvironment --> pre
INFO[0000] Key: connectionDataYamlPath --> data/cluster.yml
INFO[0000] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO[0000] + command: curl -o /dev/null --max-time 3 -ks my-service.ns-exampletarget-pre.svc.cluster.local:8080 && echo Connection is available from $(uname -n) in ns-example-pre namespace to my-service.ns-exampletarget-pre.svc.cluster.local:8080 || echo Connection is NOT available from $(uname -n) in ns-example-pre namespace to my-service.ns-exampletarget-pre.svc.cluster.local:8080
INFO[0001] Output: Connection is available from mypod-7cfd88c87-lc5gd in ns-example-pre namespace to my-svc.ns-exampletarget-pre.svc.cluster.local:8080
Very basic example to show the clients process creation and how to iterate with the data returned by them. The command backs up all existing networkpolicies in the cluster by iterating through all projects (--all-namespace flag not available).
➜ k8s-playground ./bin/k8s-playground-linux networkpolicy backupAll --help
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k8s-playground-linux networkpolicy backupAll - Backup of all the networkpolicies of a cluster will be created.
k8s-playground-linux networkpolicy backupAll [command options] [arguments...]
--cluster value Cluster to iterate through. E.G: micluster [$CLUSTER]
--supraenvironment value Supraenvironment. E.G: des [$SUPRAENVIRONMENT]
--connectionDataYamlPath value Path to the yaml file containing the credentials and URIs to connect to the different clusters. E.G: example.yml (default: "data/cluster.yml") [$CREDENTIALS_YAML_PATH]
--dryRun, -d dryRun execution (default: false) [$DRY_RUN]
--help, -h show help (default: false)
INFO[0000] Cli Command Execution took 527.735µs
For each project or namespace it generates a new directory within TARGET and for each networkpolicy, a yaml file with its definition.
➜ k8s-playground git:(main) ✗ ls -lha TARGET/project-des-test/
total 44K
drwxrwxr-x 2 vagrant vagrant 4.0K Aug 1 15:32 .
drwxrwxr-x 591 vagrant vagrant 24K Aug 1 15:34 ..
-rwxrwxr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 999 Aug 1 15:32 allow-from-ingress-namespace-1627824762.yml
-rwxrwxr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 933 Aug 1 15:32 allow-from-same-namespace-1627824762.yml
It shows via log how many projects were analyzed and network policies were exported to files
INFO[0116] -> Number of projects analyzed: 589. Total number of Network Policies: 4815.
INFO[0116] Cli Command Execution took 1m56.572868891s
Given a host and a path, prints the namespace/project name where route is applied. As I show in the example, it can be useful to find duplicate routes in the cluster.
Shows the status so that, in the case of duplicates, the one that is active can be identified.
k8s-playground route checkDuplicates - Check for duplicates for a specific path.
k8s-playground route checkDuplicates [command options] [arguments...]
--cluster value Cluster to iterate through. E.G: mycluster [$CLUSTER]
--connectionDataYamlPath value Path to the yaml file containing the credentials and URIs to connect to the different clusters. E.G: example.yml (default: "data/cluster.yml") [$CREDENTIALS_YAML_PATH]
--host value Route host without protocol. E.G: myruta.ruta.com/custom-path [$host]
--path value Route Path.E.G. custom-path [$path]
--supraenvironment value Supraenvironment. E.G: des [$SUPRAENVIRONMENT]
--help, -h show help (default: false)
INFO[0000] Cli Command Execution took 823.046µs
Output example:
➜ k8s-playground git:(main) ✗ ./bin/k8s-playground route getNamespace --cluster my-cluster --supraenvironment pre --host 'test-path.com' --path '/test-path'
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INFO[0000] ---------------------------- flags values ----------------------------
INFO[0000] Key: supraenvironment --> pre
INFO[0000] Key: cluster --> mycluster
INFO[0000] Key: connectionDataYamlPath --> data/cluster.yml
INFO[0000] Key: host --> test-path.com
INFO[0000] Key: path --> /test-path
INFO[0000] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO[0007] + Host and path found in my-ns-pre project: Host: test-path.com Path: /test-path Status: &RouteStatus{Ingress:[{test-path.com my [{Admitted True 2021-08-02 13:45:37 +0200 CEST}] None}],}
INFO[0007] + Host and path found in my-ns-pre project: Host: test-path.com Path: /test-path Status: &RouteStatus{Ingress:[{test-path.com my [{Admitted False HostAlreadyClaimed route test-duplicate already exposes test-path.com and is older 2021-08-02 13:46:24 +0200 CEST}] None }],}
INFO[0116] -> Number of projects analyzed: 590. Total number of Routes processed: 4316.
INFO[0116] Cli Command Execution took 1m56.517531912s
The login command converts the connection data from data/cluster.yml into the command needed to login to the different clusters.
PS [..]\GolandProjects\k8s-playground> .\k8s-playground.exe cluster login
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█████╔╝ ╚█████╔╝███████╗█████╗██████╔╝██║ ███████║ ╚████╔╝ ██║ ███╗██████╔╝██║ ██║██║ ██║██╔██╗ ██║██║ ██║
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| des | micluster1 | oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --username xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --password xxxxxxxxxxxx micluster.com:443 |
+ +---------------------+ +
| | micluster2 | |
+ +---------------------+ +
| | micluster3 | |
+ +---------------------+ +
| | micluster4 | |
+ +---------------------+ +
| | micluster5 | |
+ +---------------------+ +
| | micluster6 | |
+ +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | micluster7 | oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --username xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --password xxxxxxxxxxxx micluster.com:443 |
| pre | micluster1 | oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --username xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --password xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx micluster.com:443 |
+ +---------------------+ +
| | micluster2 | |
+ +---------------------+ +
| | micluster3 | |
+ +---------------------+ +
| | micluster4 | |
+ +---------------------+ +
| | micluster5 | |
+ +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | micluster6 | oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --username xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --password xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx micluster.com:443 |
+ +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | micluster7 | oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --username xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --password xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx micluster.com:443 |
+ +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | micluster8 | oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --username xxxxxxxxxxxxx --password xxxxxxxxxxxxx micluster.com:443 |
+ +---------------------+ +
| | micluster9 | |
| pro | micluster1 | oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --username xxxxxxxxxxxxx --password xxxxxxxxxxxxx micluster.com:443 |
+ +---------------------+ +
| | micluster2 | |
+ +---------------------+ +
| | micluster3 | |
+ +---------------------+ +
| | micluster4 | |
+ +---------------------+ +
| | micluster5 | |
+ +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | micluster6 | oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --username xxxxxxxxxxxxx --password xxxxxxxxxxxxx micluster.com:443 |
+ +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | micluster7 | oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --username xxxxxxxxxxxxx --password xxxxxxxxxxxxx micluster.com:443 |
+ +---------------------+ +
| | micluster7 | |
+ +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | micluster8 | oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --username xxxxxxxxxxxxx --password xxxxxxxxxxxxx micluster.com:443 |
+ +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | micluster9 | oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --username xxxxxxxxxxxxx --password xxxxxxxxxxxxx micluster.com:443 |
+ +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | micluster10 | oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --username xxxxxxxxxxxxx --password xxxxxxxxxxxxx micluster.com:443 |
+ +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | micluster11 | oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --username xxxxxxxxxxxxx --password xxxxxxxxxxxxx micluster.com:443 |
+ +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | micluster12 | oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --username xxxxxxxxxxxxx --password xxxxxxxxxxxxx micluster.com:443 |
+ +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | micluster13 | oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --username xxxxxxxxxxxxx --password xxxxxxxxxxxxx micluster.com:443 |
+ +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | micluster14 | oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --username xxxxxxxxxxxxx --password xxxxxxxxxxxxx micluster.com:443 |
+ +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | micluster15 | oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --username xxxxxxxxxxxxx --password xxxxxxxxxxxxx micluster.com:443 |
+ +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | micluster16 | oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --username xxxxxxxxxxxxx --password xxxxxxxxxxxxx micluster.com:443 |
- Add cluster login new command:
k8s-playground cluster login
- Add getNamespace in Route command:
k8s-playground route checkDuplicates
. - Add route package.
- Add checkConnection command:
k8s-playground networking checkConnection
- Implement CLI with Urfave v2 library.
- Add networkpolicies backup command example.
- Add project, service, pod amd networkpolicy packages with basic functionality.
- Add util package.
- Add Readme.