Chiffa is a powerful Telegram moderation bot designed to help keep groups safe, organized, and friendly. Below is a detailed description of its functionalities and features:
The admin panel is a multifunctional tool that provides efficient moderation of Telegram groups with a friendly and comprehensive interface. The access to an admin pannel is restricted to no autorized users(members of the group).
- Access and configure bot settings using the “Bot🦾” button. This feature allows you to send customizable messages to your groups, either once or on a recurring timer.
- Manage group members and their statuses using the "Members📚" button. This includes viewing banned users, unbanning users, promoting/demoting users, and viewing member info.
- This bot integrates with the Trello API, allowing you to easily create cards for your Trello to-do list directly from a group chat. Simplify task management by adding, updating, or managing your Trello tasks without leaving the conversation.
Provide bot with neccessary Trello information such as API TOKEN and idList. Detailed instruction to how extract Trello info: