Invite link:
+ Usage: !!help [command]
-- Shows the list with commands in the bot.
+ !!debug (args)
-- Debugging Bot (Restricted Command)
+ Usage: !!meme
-- Show a random ProgrammingHumor from reddit.
+ Usage: !!ping
-- Shows the current ping from the bot to the discord servers.
+ Usage: !!shutdown
-- Shutting down a bot.
-- Only those who belong to the bot developers' team are allowed.
+ Usage: !!help [command]
-- Shows the list with commands in the bot.
+ Usage: !!music help [command]
-- Shows the list with music commands in the bot.
+ Usage: !!music join
-- Connect the bot to the voice channel with the user who sent the command.
+ Usage: !!music leave
-- Disconnect the bot to the voice channel with the user who sent the command.
+ Usage: !!music play [music]
-- [music] can be youtube video, playlist link, music titles to search for on youtube, and direct audio link.
+ Usage: !!music force_play [Part of a music name]
-- Skip the song you are playing and force the selected song to play.
+ Usage: !!music shuffle
-- Mix the order of pending music.
+ Usage: !!music stop
-- Stop the music and clear the music queue.
+ Usage: !!music skip
-- Stop the song that is playing and play the next song.
-- If you do not have administrator permissions, vote to determine whether to skip.
+ Usage: !!music queue [show/remove]
-- Manage the music player queue.
+ Usage: !!music nowPlaying
-- Displays the music information currently playing.
+ Usage: !!music pause
-- Pause the music player.
+ Usage: !!music resume
-- Resume the music player.
+ Usage: !!music volume [0-1000]
-- Set the volume for the music player.
+ Usage: !!music loop
-- Toggle the loop mode of the music player.
+ Usage: !!music flip
-- Reverse the order of pending music.
+ Usage: !!music caption [ISO Language Code]
-- Displays captions for music currently playing.
-- If a language code is set, captions for that language are displayed.
+ Usage: !!prefix [prefix to change] or [reset] (Only users with administrator privileges on the server are allowed.)
-- [prefix to change] Enter the prefix you want to change. (No more than three characters of prefix and space characters are allowed).
-- [reset] Reset the set prefix.
+ Usage: !!server [connect/disconnect/state] [address]
-- Shows server state.
+ Usage: !!info
-- Shows system information for the bot.
+ Usage: !!mp3 [upload / download / list]
-- [upload] 파일 붙여서 보내기
-- [download] [num] - MP3 파일의 번호를 입력합니다.
-- [list] DB에 저장된 음악 파일 번호와 이름을 출력합니다.
+ Usage: !!m p mp3/[filename]
-- [filename] - 재생할 파일 이름을 입력헙나다.
+ Usage: !!word [English Word]
-- Shows the related words and meanings of the English words you entered.