nimble install boxy
Boxy is an easy to use 2D GPU rendering API built on top of Pixie.
The basic model for using Boxy goes something like this:
- Open a window and prepare an OpenGL context.
- Load image files like .png using Pixie.
- Render any dynamic assets (such as text) into images once using Pixie.
- Add these images to Boxy, where they are put into a tiling atlas texture.
- Draw these images to screen each frame.
import boxy, opengl, windy
let windowSize = ivec2(1280, 800)
let window = newWindow("Windy + Boxy", windowSize)
let bxy = newBoxy()
# Load the images.
bxy.addImage("bg", readImage("examples/data/bg.png"))
bxy.addImage("ring1", readImage("examples/data/ring1.png"))
bxy.addImage("ring2", readImage("examples/data/ring2.png"))
bxy.addImage("ring3", readImage("examples/data/ring3.png"))
var frame: int
# Called when it is time to draw a new frame.
proc display() =
# Clear the screen and begin a new frame.
# Draw the bg.
bxy.drawImage("bg", rect = rect(vec2(0, 0), windowSize.vec2))
# Draw the rings.
let center = windowSize.vec2 / 2
bxy.drawImage("ring1", center, angle = frame.float / 100)
bxy.drawImage("ring2", center, angle = -frame.float / 190)
bxy.drawImage("ring3", center, angle = frame.float / 170)
# End this frame, flushing the draw commands.
# Swap buffers displaying the new Boxy frame.
inc frame
while not window.closeRequested: