The code in this project is no longer maintained. Use it with caution and check for vulnerabilities!
CoFind is a reseach oriented browser plugin that allows groups of users to solve web search tasks collaboratively. The basic ideas and principles behind this research prototype can be found in our publication:
Robert Fuhrmann, Anke Lehmann, Annett Mitschick, Ricardo Langner, and Raimund Dachselt. "CoFind: A Browser Plugin for Investigating Co-located Collaborative Web Search" in Mensch und Computer 2020 - Tagungsband (MuC ’20), September 06–09, 2020, Magdeburg, Germany. DOI 10.1145/3404983.3410012.
Key features: Activity sharing, shared view, sharing modi: auto;snapshot;explicit, cross-device support, logging, focus on research
Questions: If you have any questions or you want to give feedback, please contact Robert Fuhrmann (GitHub), Anke Lehmann (institutional website), Annett Mitschick (institutional website), or Ricardo Langner (GitHub, institutional website).
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- Mozilla Firefox Version 66.0.5
- Non-restricted Wifi network
- Node v11.14.0
- Npm v6.9.0
- Express (npm)
- MongoDB v4.0.9
- Angular (optional: for editing admin view)
- Angular-devkit (optional: for editing admin view)
To install CoFind, follow these steps:
- Open server folder (includes index.js)
- open Windows PowerShell
- Install NPM
- Install express
npm i express
To use CoFind, follow these steps:
- Server
- Open server folder (includes index.js)
- Run index.js
node index.js
npm start
- Client
- Open url in Firefox
* Navigate "Dieser Firefox" -> "Temporäres Add-on laden"
* Open extension folder
* Open "manifest.json"
Thanks to the following people who contributed to the source code of this project:
- Robert Fuhrmann
- Hanna Blockwitz
- Lucas Vogel