Released 12-6-18
- numpy
- ("" NOT "graphics")
- Writing quality
- Pretty, intuitive UI -> the game is playable with a GUI by running
- Robust on many problem instances -> all boards are randomly generated, the agent successfully reaches its goal state on every iteration
- Smarter than the casual user -> the hardest difficulty almost always won (some CS students were able to win after several attempts, not on the first try, however)
Clone this repository. Navigate to the Same-Game directory on your machine.
Make sure virtualenv is installed on your machine with pip install virtualenv
Create a python 3.6 virtual environment with virtualenv --python=python3.6 venv
Activate the virtual environment with source venv/bin/activate
Install requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt
Run to begin the game.
Read the instructions and compare your score to the agent.
metrics.csv will be created within the logs folder to store all values of each iteration of the game, so check info.txt to interpret the history of your results!