Exhibitor is the work of Tom Elliott (tom.elliott@nyu.edu). Copyright (c) 2019 New York University. See LICENSE.txt file for complete license.
Convert the excel file provided by the Exhibitions team from their Checklist database into CSV (UTF-8 encoded)
- Manually open in Excel and "save as" CSV (UTF-8)
Convert the raw CSV file to JSON
python scripts/ishtar2json.py ../../I/ishtar/checklist_data/ishtar_checklist_20191025.csv ~/scratch/ishtar.json
Run preparatory fixup script (NB image options -i and -a)
python scripts/ishtar_prep.py ~/scratch/ishtar.json ~/scratch/ishtar_result.json
python scripts/ishtar_prep.py -i ~/Documents/files/I/ishtar/images/ -a ~/Documents/files/I/ishtar/checklist_data/ishtar_alt_text.csv ~/scratch/ishtar.json ~/scratch/ishtar_result.json
Check spelling with the assistance of a script and intervene in source data to fix before re-running prior steps
python scripts/spelling.py data/spelling.txt ~/scratch/ishtar_result.json
Convert those results to the JSON form that the website batch update/load script expects
python scripts/json4plone.py '/exhibitions/ishtar-gate/objects/' ~/scratch/ishtar_result.json ~/scratch/ishtar/ishtar4plone.json
Copy the resulting JSON file to the server and then run the batch update script (dry run, then for real)
bin/client1 run scripts/batch_update.py --dry-run --site isaw /home/telliott/ishtar/ishtar4plone.json
bin/client1 run scripts/batch_update.py --site isaw /home/telliott/ishtar/ishtar4plone.json
For each new exhibition, you will probably need three new modules:
: customizations of classes defined inexhibitor/objects.py
: code to execute step 2, abovescripts/prep_{exhibname}.py
: code to do all the cleanups and unique stuff (step 3, above)
nosetests -s --nologcapture --with-coverage --cover-erase --cover-html --cover-html-dir=cover --cover-package=exhibitor