- Java Development Kit JDK-17 as a Development Environment.
- Maven as a build tool, that automate the process of compiling computer source code into binary code.
- TestNG as a Unit Test Automation framework.
- Selenium WebDriver for Web App GUI Test Automation.
- Appium for Mobile App GUI Test Automation.
- Rest assured for REST/GraphQl API Test Automation.
- SHAFT_Engine Framework
- Allure Report Framework for generating test execution report.
- Extent Report Framework for generating test execution report.
- Data Driven Testing framework to read from data files and store them in variables in test scripts.
- Docker
- Docker Compose for running Selenium Grid.
- Selenium Grid for remote execution.
- GitHub Actions for continuous integration.
- Applying Hybrid Test Automation Framework
- WebElement Extension Methods (Selenium Wrapper).
- Implementing the Test Automation Pyramid by have 2 different test automation levels which are SERVICE and GUI layers
- Applying the Page Object Model (POM) design pattern .
- Applying the Fluent design approach.
- Configurations.Set from Properties File
- Managing test data
in end-to-end test automation by approach
Creating test data during test execution
├── main
│ ├── com.dentolize
│ │ └── modules
│ │ ├── api
│ │ └── gui --> pages
│ ├── utils
│ └── resources
│ └── properties -> configerations
├── test
│ ├── testcases
│ │ ├── modules --> Test Functions
│ └── resources
│ ├── testData
│ ├── testSuits
│ ├── uploads files
│ └── docker-compose.yml
├── pom.xml
└── README.md
👉 Click here Run to the Test cases locally using IntelliJ IDEA
Pre-requisites: jdk-17 and maven should be installed
Set the properties including all the configurations
Set the test Data from TestData
Edit your run configuration templates before running your tests by following these steps:
- Open 'Edit Run/Debug Configurations' dialog > Edit Configurations... > Edit configuration templates...
- Select TestNG > Listeners > and add this listener:com.shaft.tools.listeners.AlterSuiteListener
Execute All tests using Command-line opening a terminal on the project root path and run the following command:
mvn clean test
mvn clean test
mvn -Dtest="nopCommerce.tests.**" test
After executing,The report will be generated automatically after running the test.
Find the Extent Report ExtentReports.html in the project root path for the latest execution and open by any browser
👉 Click here to the Run the Test remotely using Selenium-Grid and Docker:
Pre-requisites: Docker Desktop should be installed.
- To start selenium-grid using docker-compose; at the root directory of the project, run the following command:
docker-compose -f src/test/resources/docker-compose.yml up --scale chrome=2 --remove-orphans -d
- Open http://localhost:4444/grid/console to monitor selenium grid.
- Run the test using the following command:
mvn test
- To end/down selenium grid; at the root directory, run the following command:
docker-compose -f src/test/resources/docker-compose.yml down --remove-orphans
👉 Click here to show the Test Cases:
* Verify the user Can "Register" via email.
* Verify the user Can "Login" via email.
* Verify the user can "Change password".
* Verify the user can "Login with New Password".
* Verify the user Can "Search" with Keyword.
* Verify the user can "Search" via auto complete.
* Verify the user can "ContactUs" and send Message.
* Verify the user can "Add Product to Cart"
* Verify the user can "Add Product to Wishlist"
* Verify the user can "Add Products to Compare".
* Verify the user can "Email Product to Friend".
* Verify the user can "Check out Product".