This is a simple java library that helps you to send emails from your java projects.
Just download the required version of jar from releases and add .jar file to project build path
You need to implement MailAuth interface.
package io.github.itsmrajesh.samplemail;
public interface MailAuth {
String getHostMailAddress();
String getHostPassword();
import io.github.itsmrajesh.samplemail.MailAuth;;
public class MyMailAuth implements MailAuth {
public String getHostmailaddress() {
return "";
public String getHostpassword() {
return "mysecret@apppassword"; // your password
After implmenting MailAuth interface, you need invoke following method MailService.sendMail and pass the all parameters to sendMail method.
//create object for newly implemented class and pass it in following method
MailAuth mailAuth = new MyMailAuth();
boolean status = MailService.sendMail(MailAuth mailAuth, String recipientMailAddress, String mailSubject, String message);
status will be true when your mail sent is successfully.
import io.github.itsmrajesh.samplemail.MailAuth;
public class SimpleMailAppTester {
public static void main(String[] args) {
MailAuth mailAuth = new MyMailAuth();
String recipientMailAddress = "";
String mailSubject = "Thank You-Simple Mail"; // This is your mail subject
String message = "Hello User, <br> <h4>Thanks for using our services.</h4> <br> <br> Thank You, <br> Team Simple Mail.";
System.out.println("Please wait while we send your mail.");
boolean mailStatus = SimpleMailService.sendMail(mailAuth, recipientMailAddress, mailSubject, message);
if (mailStatus) {
System.out.println("Mail Sent Successfully!");
} else {
System.out.println("Failed in sending mail.");
} // End of main method
} // End of Class
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.