Python wrapper library around Washington State Legislature web services API
pip install wa-leg-api
Dependecies are:
The stub functions are in modules named after each service in all lower case. The function names are the request type changed from CamelCase to snake_case.
Example: If you want to call the function GetAmendments from the AmendmentService, do:
from wa_leg_api.amendment import get_amendments
result = get_amendments(2021)
All stubs return dicts.
For more information about the Washington State Legislature web services available visit
There is one exception defined by this library:
result = get_amendments(2100) # an invalid year!
except WaLegApiException as e:
print(e.http_error) # HTTP Error code
print(e.http_error_text) # HTTP Error code as text
print(e.http_text) # Additional text returned from
print(e.args_sent) # Record of arguments sent with request
Sample output:
Internal Server Error
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Invalid Input. ---> System.ArgumentException: You have not submitted a valid year. Please enter year in the following format: YYYY. Information is only available back to 1991.
Parameter name: Year
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at WslWebServices.AmendmentService.GetAmendments(Int32 year)
{'year': 2100}
Exceptions thrown directly by the requests package are not re-wrapped.
Please visit