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Security: jakobmoellerdev/lvm2go

Security Policy

Supported Versions

Use this section to tell people about which versions of your project are currently being supported with security updates.

Version Supported
Pre-Release (Alpha)

Reporting a Vulnerability

Use this section to tell people how to report a vulnerability.

If you discover a vulnerability in lvm2go, please report it as soon as possible to help us keep the project secure. Here's how you can report a vulnerability:

  1. Email: Send an email to with the subject line "Vulnerability Report: [Title of Vulnerability]".
  2. Details: In your email, include the following details:
    • A detailed description of the vulnerability
    • Steps to reproduce the vulnerability
    • Any relevant logs, screenshots, or proof of concept code
    • Potential impact of the vulnerability

Response Time

  • Acknowledgment: You will receive an acknowledgment of your report within 5 business days.
  • Updates: We will provide updates on the status of your reported vulnerability at least once every 14 days.
  • Resolution: You can expect a resolution or detailed response, including possible mitigation steps, within 30 days.

What to Expect

  • Acceptance: If the vulnerability is accepted, we will work on a fix and release a security update. You will be credited for your discovery unless you wish to remain anonymous.
  • Decline: If the vulnerability is not accepted, we will provide a detailed explanation of why it was not considered a security issue.

Thank you for helping us keep lvm2go secure!

There aren’t any published security advisories