main functions:
- Calculate adduct m/z using monoisotopic mass and adduct type in a long or wide format.
- Calculate m/z to monoisotopic mass using m/z and adduct type.
- Calculate monoisotopic mass using chemical formula
- Calculate adduct chemical formula using adduct type and neutral chemical formula
The package can be installed with
install.packages("devtools") #If you don't have "devtools" installed already
devtools::install_github("jamesjiadazhan/MetaboCoreUtilsAdduct") # Install the package from GitHub
Currently supported adduct types: Positive
Below are examples of the functions in the MetaboCoreUtilsAdduct package. Leucine and taurine are used in the examples
mass2mz_df(): this function calculates theoretical adduct m/z and return the result in the long format.
- This means you have to provide pairs of mass and adduct at the same time. There is no combination calculation here. It works best for data frames
mass is the column name with all monoisotopic mass values. Adduct is the column name with all adduct types
r$> masses <- c(131.0946, 125.0147)
adducts <- c("M+Na", "M+H")
mass2mz_df(masses, adducts)
mass adduct adduct_mass
1 131.0946 M+Na 154.0838
2 125.0147 M+H 126.0220
mass2mz(): this function calculates theoretical adduct m/z and return the result in the wide format.
- Thus, if each mass is provided, all theoretical adduct m/z for different adduct types will be produced. This means you can do combination calculations here. It works best for individual data.
r$> masses <- c(131.0946, 125.0147)
adducts <- c("M+Na", "M+H", "M+2H", "M+H-H2O")
mass2mz(x=masses, adduct=adducts, custom_adduct = NULL)
mass M+2H M+H M+Na M+H-H2O
1 131.0946 66.55458 132.1019 154.0838 114.0913
2 125.0147 63.51463 126.0220 148.0039 108.0114
- Advanced: you can provide your own custom adduct in the following format and pass it to the custom_adduct parameter
r$> adduct_definition
name mass_multi mass_add formula_add formula_sub charge positive
1 M+3H 0.3333333 1.007276 H3 C0 3 TRUE
2 M+2H+Na 0.3333333 8.334591 H2Na C0 3 TRUE
3 M+H+Na2 0.3333333 15.661905 HNa2 C0 3 TRUE
4 M+Na3 0.3333333 22.989220 Na3 C0 3 TRUE
5 M+2H 0.5000000 1.007276 H2 C0 2 TRUE
6 M+H+NH4 0.5000000 9.520553 NH5 C0 2 TRUE
7 M+H+K 0.5000000 19.985218 HK C0 2 TRUE
8 M+H+Na 0.5000000 11.998248 HNa C0 2 TRUE
9 M+C2H3N+2H 0.5000000 21.520551 C2H5N C0 2 TRUE
10 M+2Na 0.5000000 22.989220 Na2 C0 2 TRUE
11 M+C4H6N2+2H 0.5000000 42.033826 C4H8N2 C0 2 TRUE
12 M+C6H9N3+2H 0.5000000 62.547101 C6H11N3 C0 2 TRUE
13 M+H 1.0000000 1.007276 H C0 1 TRUE
r$> mz <- c(132.1019, 126.0220)
adducts <- c("M+H")
mz2mass(mz, adducts)
[1,] 131.0946
[2,] 125.0147
r$> formula_exp = c("C6H13NO2", "C2H7NO3S")
131.0946 125.0147
r$> formula_exp = c("C6H13NO2", "C2H7NO3S")
adducts <- c("M+H")
formula2mz(formula_exp, adducts)
mass M+H
C6H13NO2 131.0946 132.1019
C2H7NO3S 125.0147 126.0219
adductFormula(): this function gets the adduct chemical formula for a given adduct type and neutral chemical formula. This may help distinguish those neutral monoisotopic masses from those "adduct monoisotopic mass" (M+ vs. M+H)
r$> formula_exp = c("C6H13NO2", "C2H7NO3S")
adducts <- c("M+H")
adductFormula(formula_exp, adducts)
C6H13NO2 "[C6H14NO2]+"
C2H7NO3S "[C2H8NO3S]+"