- CellProfiler
- Python 3.10.4
- pandas==1.4.3
- seaborn
- torch==2.1.1 : Neural Network
- Scikit-learn: Logistic Regression, Multilayer Perceptron
- Obtaining better results than traditional CNN which achive only 62% accuracy because of:
- difficult nature of the data
- various data distributions
- small number of individuals
- The original data are microscopic images of the brains of mice aged 4, 8 and 15 months taken with an Opera Phenix confocal microscope
- These data were transformed with cellprofiler software using two pipelines:
- the first pipeline performed projections and illumination corrections of 30 images in TIFF format containing a stack of piece of image to single image
- the second pipeline enhanced the image, measured a number of features and extracted primary and secondary objects like cells and dendrites
- Data of this project:
- 3243 files (summary-image data) contains 102 measures of image e.g. img_2-summary
- 3243 files (secondary-dendrities) contains each containing on average 150 dendrities describing with 116 features img-2-secondary-dendrities
- loading data, cleaning data, join summary image data with secondary dendrites
- preprocessing data with Standard Scaler
- feature engineering
- calculate average area of dendrities in summary image data
- random under sample
- own cross validation
Classification of 3256 pieces into healthy and sick classes based summary-image data
LogisticRegression | MLPClassifier | Net | |
accuracy | 0.747 | 0.704 | 0.748 |
recall | 0.783 | 0.735 | 0.767 |
precision | 0.757 | 0.700 | 0.775 |
f1_score | 0.748 | 0.697 | 0.743 |