MemoriesApp is a console application and my final project for Code Louisville's 2020 C# course.
One reoccurring piece of advice parents gave my wife and I when we were expecting our first child was to write down memories of their early years. We often heard, "Blink and you will miss it!” I realized that our haphazard way of writing sticky notes and throwing them in the drawer was getting a little hard to keep track of.
With that in mind I wanted to create the MemoriesApp as a simple journal tool to record memories of our two children. My almost 5 year old was not completely impressed and wanted it to do something "silly", hence the “Gibberish” reverse sentence function.
Once you run the MemoriesApp, you will be greeted by the title, current date & time, Today's Memories, ONE YEAR AGO, and the main menu options 1-5.
"Today's Memories" will print all memories entered for the current date to the console while "ONE YEAR AGO" prints all the memories entered from exactly one year prior.
To use the Memories App simply enter a menu option 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.
1) Add a memory
This option will prompt you for the date and time (with the time always being optional) of the memory you want to record. Then you will be prompted to enter the memory.
2) Search for memories
This option will prompt you the for date and time that you would like to search memories for.
3) Delete memories
This option with prompt you for the date and time of the memory you would like to delete.
4) Make some gibberish
This option prompts you to enter a sentence you want to reverse, once entered the modified sentence as well as the total number of characters in the sentence is returned.
5) End
Prompts user to press any key to quit the Memories App...
- Upload to GitHub with 5+ commits
- Include a README file with description of the project
- Create at least one class
- Create and call at least 3 functions: RecordMemory(), RecordQuote(), ReverseSentence()
- 3+ items from Feature List
- Master loop
- Create an additional class which inherits one or more properties from its parent
- Create a dictionary or list, populate it with several values, retrieve at least one value, and use it in your program
- Analyze text and display information about it (Gibberish function takes user input and reverses the sentence then calculates the number of characters in the string and returns that info)
- Bonus features: Switch statement, ASCII art, console foreground color change, ToString
- Jesse Daniels | Created with Visual Studio Code Version: 1.51.1
All the Code Louisville staff, mentors, and fellow students.
My 4 year old daughter for always pushing me to be a little silly!