Toastr for Laravel is a wrapper around the popular php-flasher library, providing an easy-to-use interface for displaying notifications in your Laravel application. It includes a service provider, a facade, and a helper function to make it easy to use Toastr in your views and controllers.With Laravel Toastr, you can easily display toast messages on your website with minimal configuration.
- PHP 7.2 or higher
- Laravel 5.5 or higher
To install Toastr for Laravel, simply run the following command:
composer require jeybin/toastr
After installing the package, run the following command
php artisan toastr:install
This will copy the configuration file to config/jeybin-toastr.php
To use Laravel Toastr in your Laravel application, simply use the Toastr facade Jeybin\Toastr\Toastr to display a notification:
\Jeybin\Toastr\Toastr::success('Your message here')->toast();
You can also use other notification types like error, warning, and info:
\Jeybin\Toastr\Toastr::error('Your error message here')->toast();
\Jeybin\Toastr\Toastr::warning('Your warning message here')->toast();
\Jeybin\Toastr\Toastr::info('Your info message here')->toast();
Another option is to redirect to a different page and display a notification there as well.
The $route variable can either be a whole url, a named route, or empty/null. It will perform redirect()->back() with notification if it is empty or null.
return \Jeybin\Toastr\Toastr::success('Hello world')->redirect($route);
The config/jeybin-toastr.php file makes it simple to add or modify the redirection status code. Alternatively, you may supply the status code by using the syntax shown below: $statusCode must be an integer; the default value is 302.
return \Jeybin\Toastr\Toastr::success('Hello world')
Laravel Toastr supports customization of the notification style, position, animation, and more. The configurations can be changed from the config/jeybin-toastr.php
return [
* Time out in seconds
* show close button
* show progress bar
* Prevent showing duplicate notifications
* Redirect status code default : 302
Or you can change the configurations from by the time of function call itself :
- closeBtn(boolean) - Default : true
- progressBar(boolean) - Default : true
- preventDuplicates(boolean) - Default : true
- rtl(boolean) - Default : false
- timeOut(integer) - Default : 1000
- redirectStatusCode(integer) - default : 302 use if you are using the redirect function
- Easy to install and configure.
- Compatible with Laravel 5.6 and above.
- Highly customizable: change the style, position, animation, and more.
- Responsive: works on all devices and screen sizes.
- Lightweight: only 7kb minified and gzipped.
If you would like to contribute to Laravel Toastr, please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on the GitHub page.
Laravel Toastr is released under the MIT License.