This project provides a visualization tool for understanding how different CPU scheduling algorithms operate. It simulates the behavior of a CPU scheduler using three widely studied strategies:
- First-Come, First-Served (FCFS)
- Preemptive Shortest Job First (SJF)
- Round-Robin (RR)
To run this project, ensure you have Python 3 installed on your machine.
To run the scheduler simulation, execute the following command in your terminal application:
python3 processes.txt
Where processes.txt
is a required file that specifies the processes for the scheduler.
The processes.txt
file should contain one process per line, formatted as follows:
- ID: A unique identifier for the process.
- Arrival Time: The time at which the process arrives in the scheduling queue.
- Length: The total execution time required by the process.
A 0 4
B 1 3
C 2 4
D 3 3
E 3 1
F 7 3
G 8 2
Output when running the above example using Round-Robin with a quantum size of 1: