Create and save a bodeplot using the FeelTech 3225 function generator and Hantek 6022 oscilloscope
python3 [-h] [--port PORT] [--fstart FSTART] [--fstop FSTOP][--fstep FSTEP] [--filename FILENAME]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--port PORT Serial port for the function generator. Default /dev/ttyUSB0.
--fstart FSTART Starting frequency for the bodeplot in Hz. Default 10 Hz.
--fstop FSTOP Stopping frequency for the bodeplot in Hz. Default 5 MHz.
--fstep FSTEP Step frequency multiplier. Default 1.1.
--filename FILENAME Filename to save the bodeplot information. Default bodeplot.csv.
Utilizes a FeelTech FY3225S function generator and a Hantek 6022 oscillosope to sweep a filter from FSTART (10 Hz) to FSTOP (5 MHz) by FSTEP (1.1) and create a bode frequency response plot, display the plot, and save the plot information to FILENAME ('bodeplot.csv'). Channel 1 on the oscilloscope is the filter output and Channel 2 on the oscilloscope is the filter input (i.e. the function generator Channel 1 output).
Depends on having the python-feeltech and Hantek6022API installed.