Plugin for integrating JEvents with LOGman. LOGman is a user analytics and audit trail solution for Joomla.
You can install this package using Composer by simply going to the root directory of your Joomla site using the command line and executing the following command:
composer require joomlatools/logman-jevents:*
For downloading an installable package just make use of the Download ZIP button located in the right sidebar of this page.
After downloading the package, you may install this plugin using the Joomla! extension manager.
After the package is installed, make sure to enable the plugin and that both LOGman and JEvents are installed.
The following JEvents actions are currently logged:
- Add
- Edit
- Publish/Unpublish/Trash
- Add
- Edit
- Publish/Unpublish/Archive/Trash
- Delete
- Edit
At the moment and while using the latest stable version of JEvents at this date (v3.4.20), delete actions on Events and their repetitions are not supported due to insufficient event data.