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Sentiment analysis of the restaurant reviews from YELP dataset using BoW, TF-IDF, Word2Vec, Doc2Vec, Glove and BERT.


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Reviews on a product, service, movie or texts about persons or events (political, social, etc.), are very important to get a clear picture of what the end users/general public think, namely, to understand what the reasons (key aspects/features) are for being satisfied or not with the purchase of a product or service, the reasons for liking or disliking a given movie or person, and so on.

Sentiment analysis can help us gather insightful information regarding reviews/texts by deciphering what people like/dislike, what they want and what their major concerns are.

There are mainly two approaches to extract the sentiment from given reviews/texts and classify the result as positive or negative:

  • Lexicon Based Approach
  • Machine Learning Approach

→ In the notebooks of this repo we will address the machine learning approach

Machines simply cannot process text data in raw form. They need us to break down the text into a numerical format that’s easily readable by the machine. This is where the techniques/models described below come into play.

1 - Bag of Words (BoW) and TF-IDF

  • BoW and TF-IDF are techniques that help us convert text sentences into numeric vectors.
  • BoW just creates a set of vectors containing the count of word occurrences in the document (reviews), while the TF-IDF technique creates a normalized count where each word count is divided by the number of documents this word appears in, being so, it captures both the relevance and frequency of a word in a document.
  • For both, BoW and TF-IDF, each word is captured in a standalone manner, thus the local context (surounding words) in which it occurs is not captured, therefore they both don't consider the semantic relation between words.

Context can be seen in two different perspectives that we will address later on.

2 - Word2Vec and Glove

  • Word2vec is a two-layer neural net that processes text by vectorizing words. Its input is a text corpus and its output is a set of vectors: feature vectors that represent words in that corpus.
  • Word2Vec considers neighboring words to capture the local context of a word, while at the same time reducing the size of the data.
  • When using Word2Vec, if we think we have enough data, one can go for a custom vectorization as it will be very specific to the context the corpus has or one can use pretrained word embeddings trained in a very large corpus (Gopgle News)
  • Word2Vec and Glove differ in the way they are trained. GloVe extends the work of Word2Vec to capture global contextual information in a text corpus by calculating a global word-word co-occurrence matrix. Word2Vec, as mentined above, only captures the local context of words during training, it only considers neighboring words to capture the context. GloVe considers the entire corpus and creates a large matrix that can capture the co-occurrence of words within the entire corpus.
  • Pretrained models for both these embeddings are readily available and are easy to incorporate into python code.

3 - BERT

  • While Word2vec and Glove word embeddings are context independent, in the sense that these models output just one vector (embedding) for each word, combining all the different senses of the word into one vector, BERT can generate different word embeddings for the same word that captures the context of the word - that is its position in a sentence.
  • Word2vec and Glove do not consider word order in their training, while BERT takes into account word order (BERT uses Transformer - an attention based model with positional encodings to represent word positions).
    • For instance, for the following sentence "He went to the prison cell with his cell phone to extract blood cell samples from inmates", BERT would generate three different vectors for cell. The first 'cell' (prison cell case) would be closer to words like incarceration, crime etc., whereas the second 'cell' (phone case) would be closer to words like iPhone, android, etc., the third 'cell' (blood cell case) would be closer to words such as platelets, hemoglobin, fluid, etc.
  • A practical implication of the difference mentioned above is that we can use Word2vec and Glove vectors directly for downstream tasks, all we need is the vectors for the words, there is no need for the model itself that was used to train these vectors. However, in the case of BERT, since it is context dependent, we need the model that was used to train the vectors even after training, since the models generate the vectors for a word based on context.

4 - Doc2Vec

  • Doc2Vec is an extension of Word2Vec that is applied to a document/review as a whole instead of individual words. This model aims to create a numerical representation of a document/review rather than a word (Le & Mikolov, 2014). Doc2Vec operates on the logic that the meaning of a word also depends on the document that it occurs in.
  • The tags are just keys into the doc-vectors collection, they have no semantic meaning.

Sentiment Analysis of the Restaurant Reviews from YELP Dataset

→ The two datasets (review and business) that we need from YELP dataset can be found here

→ You can learn how to create a user-managed notebook instance in Google Cloud Platform here

  • Tasks performed in the notebooks - Key Points:

1 - Preprocessing (a whole notebook for this task)

2 - BoW and TF-IDF:

2.1 - Firstly, read the cleaned dataset stored in the bucket after the preprocesssing phase

2.2 - Do the train/test split keeping the two columns of interest and preserve the same proportions of examples in each class as observed in the original dataset

2.3 - Establishing benchmarks: Logistic Regression and SVM models with the default parameters that will serve as baseline models. Evaluation.

  • Note: Using GridSearchCV I found out for both BoW and TF-IDF which ngram_range ((1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (1, 2), (2, 3), (1, 3)) performed better with the chosen classifiers: Logistic Regression and SVM

2.4 - Logistic Regression and SVM classifiers with hyperparameter tuning (using GridSeachCV). Evaluation.

3 - Word2Vec:

  • Note: Although the dataset is not very large, I used Word2Vec without using pretrained word embeddings because I thought I had enough data to go for a custom vectorization as it would be very specific to the context the corpus had.

3.1 - Learning word embeddings on training data

3.2 - Create a function to get the vectors that will feed the classifiers

3.3 - Establishing benchmarks: Logistic Regression and SVM classifier models with default parameters that will serve as baseline models:

3.3.1 - Evaluation using Logistic Regression

3.3.2 - Evaluation using SVM

3.4 - Hyperparameter tuning and evaluation:

3.4.1 - Hyperparameter tunning using GridSearchCV for Logistic Regression. Evaluation.

3.4.2 - Hyperparemeter tunning using GridSearchCV for SVM. Evaluation

4 - Doc2Vec:

5 - BERT using PyTorch framework (a whole Colab notebook). For an interactive previewOpen In Colab

5.1 - Preprocessing

5.2 - Install transformers

5.3 - Define the pre-trained model we are going to use: bert-base-uncased

5.4 - Load the BERT Tokenizer

5.5 - Decide on a maximum sentence length

5.6 - Split the dataset into train (70 %), validation (15%) and test (15%) sets

5.7 - Convert to list each of the sets

5.8 - Create a sequence of token ids (input ids) for each review

5.9 - Padding and truncating: pad and truncate our sequences so that they all have the same length

5.10 - Create attention masks

5.11 - Convert all lists of inputs ids, labels and attention masks into torch tensors

5.12 - Create a DataLoader to load our datasets

5.13 - Build a sentiment classifier: BertForSequenceClassification

5.14 - Instantiate our model

5.15 - Move our model to the GPU

5.16 - Optimizer, learning rate scheduler, loss function and number of epochs


  • To fine-tune our Bert classifier we need to create an optimizer. Considering the original paper on BERT, we will use AdamW optimizer because it implements gradient bias correction as well as weight decay. We will also use linear scheduler with no warmup steps.

  • The authors have some recommendations for fine-tuning:

    • Batch size: 16, 32
    • Learning rate (Adam): 5e-5, 3e-5, 2e-5
    • Number of epochs: 2, 3 or 4

We chose 16, 3e-5 and 2, respectively.

5.17 - Training and validation

  • Note: We can store the training and validation loss and accuracy values and then plot or make a table to measure the performance on both the train and validation sets after the completion of each epoch so we can see more clearly the progress of the training loop.

5.18 - Predicting on test set

5.19 - Converting predictions to tensor

5.20 - Applying softmax on predictions

5.21 - Conversion to numpy arrays

5.22 - Heatmap of confusion matrix for test data

5.23 - Classification report

5.24 - Conclusions