This repository contains an implementation of a MicroJava compiler. It also includes a VM which can be used to execute MicroJava programs.
You can compile the project either by opening it in IntelJ IDEA or using maven. If you choose to use maven you also need to download the dependencies (also using maven) and do not forget to include them in the classpath.
Usage: mje [command] [command options]
help Help command, prints all options supplied by this program
Usage: help
compile Compilation command, if specified both input and output files
need to be specified as well
Usage: compile [options]
* -i, --input
Path to input file containing a valid micro java program
* -o, --output
Path to output file
run Run options, executes a valid micro java program
Usage: run [options]
-d, --debug
If specified debugging is turned on
Default: false
* -f, --file
File containing a valid micro java program