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jQAssistant Spring Framework Plugin

This is the Spring Framework Plugin of jQAssistant. It provides pre-defined rules for projects using the Spring Framework, e.g.:

  • Spring Boot

    • Package layout, i.e. all classes of a Spring Boot application must be located in the package of the application class or a child package of it.

    • Considers classes annotated with @SpringBootApplication and @TestConfiguration configuration classes and injectables.

  • Spring Components

    • Considers classes annotated with @Component, @Service, @Repository injectables.

    • Considers classes that are returned from @Bean methods injectables.

    • Considers Spring Data repositories injectables.

    • Verifies dependencies between Spring components, i.e. controllers (must depend on services, repositories or components), services (must depend on other services, repositories or components) and repositories (must depend on other repositories and components).

    • Requires @Bean methods to be used from with configuration classes only.

    • Requires that JDK classes are not injectables.

  • Dependency Injection

    • Prevents field injection (except in tests, in Strict mode)

    • Requires injectables to be assigned to final fields (in Strict mode)

    • Rejects direct instantiation of injectable types, except in tests and @Bean methods.

    • Ensures that fields of injectable types are not manipulated.

    • Ensures that injectables are never assigned to static fields or accessed via static methods.

    • Recommends to use @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy over implementing InitializingBean and DisposableBean.

    • Recommends to directly inject BeanFactory, ApplicationContext, and ApplicationEventPublisher instead of implementing callback interfaces.

  • Transactions

    • Disallow direct invocation of methods annotated with @Transaction from methods not annotated with that annotation within the same class

For more information on jQAssistant see



Starting from jqassistant-spring-plugin v2.0.0, the Spring-Plugin resides under jqassistant-plugin. Therefore, not only the repository location changed but also group id and artifact id were adapted from com.buschmais.jqassistant.plugin:spring to org.jqassistant.plugin:jqassistant-spring-plugin. A manual configuration as shown below is required.

To execute rules, you just need to activate the desired group of rules, either "spring-boot:Default" or "spring-boot:Strict"

    - group-id: org.jqassistant.plugin (1)
      artifact-id: jqassistant-spring-plugin
      version: ${jqassistant.spring-plugin.version}
     - spring-boot:Strict (2)
  1. Dependency to the Spring plugin

  2. Activates the group "spring-boot:Strict".



  • Added support for transactional interfaces


  • Moved Plugin from com.buschmais.jqassistant.plugin (core-Distribution) to org.jqassistant.plugin

  • Added concept spring-security:ConfigurationComponent to label classes annotated by @EnableGlobalAuthentication, @EnableGlobalMethodSecurity, @EnableReactiveMethodSecurity, @EnableWebSecurity, @EnableWebFluxSecurity and @EnableWebMvcSecurity as :Spring:Configuration:Component

  • Extended concepts spring-transaction:TransactionalClass and spring-transaction:TransactionalMethod to accept JEE/JTA annotation javax.transaction.@Transactional


  • Removed redundant result columns from constraints spring-injection:BeanProducerMustNotBeInvokedDirectly and spring-injection:InjectablesShouldBeHeldInFinalFields


  • Added concepts spring-mvc:ControllerAdvice and spring-mvc:RestControllerAdvice

  • Improved the constraints spring-component:ControllerMustOnlyDependOnServicesRepositories, spring-component:ServiceMustOnlyDependOnServicesRepositories and spring-component:RepositoryMustOnlyDependOnRepositories to report one row per invalid dependency (issue)

  • Fixed false positives for constraint spring-injection:InjectablesMustOnlyBeHeldInInjectables for inner classes (issue)

  • Improved constraint spring-injection:InjectablesShouldBeHeldInFinalFields to return the Type declaring the Field and InjectedType as the injected field type.


  • Added constraint spring-injection:BeanProducerMustNotBeInvokedDirectly

  • Allow dependencies from any Spring component to @Component annotated beans

  • Defined primary columns for constraint results for better matching in SonarQube

  • Excluded generated Java types from Spring constraints, therefore the projects needs to extend the concept java:GeneratedType

  • Excluded classes in test artifacts from constraint spring-injection:InjectablesMustOnlyBeHeldInInjectables


  • fixed false-positive constraint violations for constraint InjectablesMustNotBeInstantiated for constructors invoking constructors from their super class

  • the constraint spring-injection:FieldsOfInjectablesMustNotBeManipulated now allows manipulating fields from lifecycle callbacks (@PostConstruct and @PreDestroy)


  • Added meta-annotated Spring annotations to concepts, e.g. @SpringBootApplication will be also labeled with `Configuration

  • Relaxed the constraint spring-injection:InjectablesMustNotBeInstantiated such that instantiation is allowed from either bean producer methods declared by injectables or non-injectables (issue)

  • Relaxed the constraint spring-injection:FieldsOfInjectablesMustNotBeManipulated such that only fields of injectable types are checked for being written by non-constructor methods (issue)

  • The constraints spring-injection:FieldsOfInjectablesMustNotBeManipulated, spring-injection:InjectablesMustNotBeHeldInStaticVariables and spring-injection:InjectablesMustNotBeAccessedStatically are improved such that also fields are considered where injectable types are injected by interfaces or super classes.


  • Renamed relation representing virtual dependencies between components from DEPENDS_ON to VIRTUAL_DEPENDS_ON (issue)


  • Ignore synthetic fields (e.g. generated by Groovy) for injection related constraints


  • Initial checkin


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  • Java 100.0%