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Marc Philipp edited this page Feb 7, 2017 · 1 revision


  • 09.30 - 09.45 Welcome
  • 09.45 - 10.15 Introduction
  • 10.15 - 10.30 Overview, History, Areas of Focus
  • 10.30 - 11.00 Coffee Break
  • 11.00 - 11.30 General topics (Johannes)
  • 11.30 - 12.00 Programming model (Marc)
  • 12.00 - 13.00 Lunch break
  • 13.00 - 13.30 JUnit 5's extension model (Sam)
  • 14.00 - 14.30 Coffee Break
  • 14.30 - 15.15 Unconference-style group presentations/discussions
  • 15.15 - 16.00 Unconference-style group presentations/discussions
  • 16.00 - 16.30 Coffee Break
  • 16.30 - 17.30 Wrap-up, plan day 2


  • 09.00 Test API in IntelliJ IDEA (Anna)
  • 10.00 Execution/Reporting API/SPI (Stefan, Matthias as backup)
  • 11.00 Coffee break
  • 11.30 Unconference-style group presentations/discussions
  • 12.15 Wrap-up
  • 12.30 Lunch break
  • 13.30 Plan rest of the day
  • 14.00
  • 15.30 Coffee break
  • 16.00 Wrap-up, plan day 3
  • 17.00 Break
  • 18.00 Dinner



  • Prototype Execution/Reporting API/SPI and Programming/extension model in two groups
  • Collect/share prototype ideas


General Topics (Johannes)

  • min. required Java version?
  • third-party dependencies?
  • modularization
    • „add-on-modules“ (e.g. system-rules)
  • what should be kept from JUnit 4?
  • assertion library?
    • communicate successful assertions?
  • assumption library?
  • skipping tests
  • compatibility: using JUnit 3, 4, and 5 at the same time
  • migration paths and migration tools?
  • feature matrix comparing different JUnit versions

Programming Model (Marc)

  • Test definition
  • Dynamic test registration (at runtime)
  • Hierarchical structures/contexts
  • Exception testing
  • Lazy evaluation of failure messages
  • Aggregated assertions
  • Interaction with extensions
  • Nested contexts
  • Conditional test execution
  • Ex: @Category, @Ignore, assumptions
  • TestSkippedException vs. AssumptionViolatedException
  • programmatic support:
  • assumeThat(...), assumeTrue(...)
  • assumingThat(condition).thenExecute(() -> {})
  • assumingThat(x).is(y).thenExecute(() -> {})

JUnit 5's Extension Model (Sam)

  • Lifecycle callbacks (synchronous)
  • bootstrap vs. test execution
  • Method injection: Pluggable mechanism
  • Communication between extensions
  • Test discovery within a class
  • Test execution
  • Nested contexts
  • Conditional test execution
  • disabling/enabling of a test based on a condition
  • Ex: @Category, @Ignore, assumptions
  • pluggable expression parser (SPI) for evaluating conditions or generating names for parameterized test cases (e.g. @Test(name="bla ${}"))?
  • Meta-annotations

Test Execution and Reporting API/SPI (Stefan, Matthias as backup)

  • Test discovery on classpath/file system
  • Sorting/ordering
  • Filtering?
  • Re-runnable, navigable test location source specification/description
  • cross-process communication from IDEs and build tools using immutable data structures
  • communication protocol should be explicit and part of the API
  • report additional data and attach it to the test execution result (e.g. by returning a Map from test methods)
  • lifecycle events (asynchronous)
  • stop/pause/restart the current execution
  • Launch Parameters (configuration)
  • parallel test execution
  • pattern/selector for which tests to execute
  • category of tests to execute
  • Report generation
  • consider introducing a standardized XML format
  • food for thought: Generate JUnit XML report from JUnitCore
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