# Go Into Back-End
cd back-end
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Start development live-reload server
PORT=8080 npm run dev
# Go Into Front-End
cd ../front-end
# Install dependencies
npm install
# start development live-reload server
npm run dev
GET /api/weather?city=xxx&zipCode=xxx Requires an access-token Returns an object with forecast, city, and state.
Middleware: There is 1 middleware running, which checks for an access-token and returns 401 Not Authorized if not found or invalid.
Whenever a request is made to the /api/weather?city=xxx&zipCode=xxx endpoint, several subsequent calls are made to https://www.metaweather.com/api/ to gather the necessary information to return the forecast. If a zipCode is supplied, then it will make a call to https://www.zipcodeapi.com/ to retrieve latt and long coordinates.
The front-end site is a Nextjs/React application. I am using redux for the state management. Side-effects are being managed with redux-saga.