A discord bot made for fun.
Add me to your server!!
.bo help
-- Gives you the list of all available commands!
.bo hello
-- Command to check if the bot is alive or not!
.bo weather {city name}
-- Gives you the information about the weather of the city!
.bo bored
-- Gives you a random task to do!
.bo purge {amount}
-- Clears the messages! (default is 5)
.bo {actions}
-- Gives you a gif for the action!
Currently available actions: [ hug, cuddle, dance, blush ]
- Transferring all the api calls in separate directories
- Creation of cogs and arranging code in cogs
- Formatting the output to make it look nice
- Make README more readable :)
- Add comments to the code
- Add more fun APIs
- FunTranslations
- BrainShop API
- 8ball API
- Scan URLs API
- Amethyste API - for images
- Adding databases to introduce levels
- ...
Create an issue regarding your idea/issue and I will try my best to work on it asap!!