MeshToSS is the softwere originally developed by the fund "Software Seeds Promotion Project for Supporting Information Technology" by RISE (Research Institution for Software Engineering), with the commission to IPA (Information-technology Promotion Agency). This software includes an implementation of the following paper:
Takashi Kanai: "MeshToSS: Converting Subdivision Surfaces from Dense Meshes", Proc. 6th International Workshop on Vision, Modeling and Visualization, pp.325-332, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2001.
- Reads polygonal mesh data
- Converts to a Loop subdivision surface
- Outputs a control mesh of a subdivision surface or a subdivided polygonal mesh
Double-click MFC\MeshToSS.sln (A solution file for VS2015) and then "build the solution", and if successfully finished, you can find an executable in MFC\Release\MeshToSS.exe .
Type the following commands:
If sucessfully finished, you can find an executable in optmesh/meshtoss.
This software uses MFC (Microsoft Foundation Class). Then, to build this software, VS2015 Professional or upper versions are required for Windows application.
For command-line version, there is no prerequities to build the software.
2000-2005 IPA (Information-technology Promotion Agency) and Keio University SFC Research Institution
- Takashi Kanai - The University of Tokyo
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details