Example of basic Reddit Clone application developed with LoopBack Framework 3.X, AngularJS1 and ReactJS ES6.
- Maintain a list of topics and its upvotes/downvotes.
- Allow the user to submit topics.
- A "topic" is simply a string that does not exceed 255 characters.
- Allow the user to upvote or downvote the same topic multiple times.
- Always return a list of top 20 topics (sorted by upvotes, descending) on the homepage.
- Design an in-memory data structure (shared by the same process as your application).
- Code comments and documentation: For the key functionalities.
- Implemented Karma-Jasmine TDD and BDD (Auto Unit Test).
- Responsive bootstrap design.
- Code follow ESLint standards.
- Use webpack-merge for easily switching environment between production and development.
- Support API explorer with Loopback Framework.
- Support search post by title. (AngularJS)
- Support filter by votes, title(A-Z), date. (AngularJS)
My main goal for this is to give new programmers some code to look at and talk about.
Open your terminal
$ git clone https://github.com/kankongmeng/reddit-loopback-react-angular.git
$ cd reddit-loopback-react-angular
$ npm install
$ npm build
$ node .
$ npm test
(Remarks: npm test is for execute Karma-Jasmine and ESLint test.)
Live Demo: https://reddit-loopback-react-angular.herokuapp.com/
Localhost: https://localhost:3000
Live Demo: https://reddit-loopback-react-angular.herokuapp.com/react.html
Localhost: https://localhost:3000
Live Demo: https://reddit-loopback-react-angular.herokuapp.com/explorer/#/Post
Localhost: https://localhost:3000/explorer/