This site will provide a conduit for lots of different types of researchers to determine the status of their data within the MyEMSL system. Division directors will probably want to see a different, higher level view of system operations (see the pacifica-reporting submodule), while an instrument operator will most likely care about the particular instrument(s) in their charge.
These views will likely include...
- 30,000 ft view aggregated over classes like instrument type, facilities, researchers, projects, etc.
- Fewer details immediately visible, but still available
- Collections of instruments that can be personalized by user id or client-side cookie
- More details available immediately, with breakdowns within a given instrument at the project and operator level
- Details for a given instrument that include a date-selectable range of activity (i.e. what has happened on that instrument over a given period of time) that shows files uploaded and various metadata about those files
- Lots of detail available, with extra detail on jobs that are still in progress for upload
- Probably some combination of the above views, with a more limited access scope
The development version of the site is hosted (internal to PNNL) at