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Sprint 1 ‐ Planning

Hani Saravanan edited this page Jul 12, 2023 · 9 revisions

Project Approach

The approach to the online career services system will differ depending on the type of the users:

  1. Students/Candidates can create an account on the portal. They can log into their account, build/upload their resume, browse through the job board, apply to positions, and track their applications.
  2. Employers can create an account on the portal. They can log into their account, generate, and modify job postings, update the status of the postings, browse through the candidates who have applied for a particular posting, view their resume, and select candidates for an interview.
  3. Admins are super users where they can manage all the user profiles – Employers and Candidates. They can update job postings and the status of the job postings.

The project will last 4 weeks, and the development process will be an adapted version of Agile with an iteration every week. Sprint 1, i.e., the first is dedicated to setting up the development environment. The sprint cycle will be followed from Sprint 1 to Sprint 4. At the end of each iteration, clarifications of user stories will be done, which will be developed in the next iteration. The sprint cycle that will be followed in the project:

Sprint 1 (July 5, 2023 – July 12, 2023) schedule:

Sprint 1 / Dates July 5, 2023 July 6, 2023 July 7, 2023 July 8, 2023 July 9, 2023 July 10, 2023 July 11, 2023 July 12, 2023
Review Project Description Scrum Meeting 1 - Online Working on assigned tasks Working on assigned tasks Scrum Meeting 2 - In-Person Working on assigned tasks Working on assigned tasks Finishing touches and submission of Sprint 1

Epics and User Stories Backlog

S. No GitHub Issue for the Epic Epic Epic Assigned To GitHub Issue for the User Story User Story User Story Description User Story Assigned To
1 16 Epic 1: User Registration and Login Shefali Upadhyaya 18 US 1: User Account Registration As a user, I want to be able to create an account/register so that I can access the career services platform.  Hani Saravanan
2 19 US 2: User Account Login As a user, I want to be able to log in using my email and password so that I can securely access my account. Ashu Kumar
3 17 Epic 2: Candidate Profile Management Iona Thomas 20 US 3: Create/Modify Candidate Profile As a candidate, I want to be able to create and modify my profile so that I can showcase my skills and experience to potential employers. SanVinoth Pacham Sri Srinivasan 
4 21 US 4: Upload/Update Candidate Resume As a candidate, I want to be able to upload and update my resume so that employers can quickly review my qualifications. Jothi Basu Lkv 
5 22 Epic 3: Job Posting and Management for Employers Shefali Upadhyaya 26 US 5: Create and Manage Job Posts As an employer, I want to obe able to create and manage jobs so that I can attract potential candidate. Hani Saravanan
6 27 US 6: Track the status of Job Posts As an employer, I want to be able to track the status of my job posts so that I can effectively manage the hiring process. Jothi Basu Lkv
7 23 Epic 4: Candidate Browsing and Application for Employers Iona Thomas 28 US 7: Browse Candidate Profiles As an employer, I want to be able to browse candidate profiles so that I can find suitable candidates for my job openings Ashu Kumar
8 29 US 8: Select and Schedule Interviews with Candidates As an employer, I want to be able to select and schedule interviews with candidates who have applied to my job offers, so that I can identify the most suitable candidates for the positions. SanVinoth Pacham
9 24 Epic 5: Job Search and Application for Candidates Shefali Upadhyaya 30 US 9: Browse Job Offers and find relevant Job Opportunities As a candidate, I want to be able to browse job offers so that I can find relevant job opportunities. Shefali Upadhyaya
10 31 US 10: Apply to jobs As a candidate, I want to be able to apply for job offers, so that I can be considered for employment opportunities. Iona Thomas
11 32 US 11: Track Status of Job Application As a candidate, I want to be able to track the status of my job applications, so that I can stay informed about the progress of my potential employment opportunities. Hani Saravanan
12 25 Epic 6: Admin Management Iona Thomas 33 US 12: Manage User Profiles As an admin, I want to be able to manage user profiles, including creating, modifying, and deleting accounts, so that I can ensure the accuracy and integrity of user information and provide seamless user management. Jothi Basu Lkv
13 34 US 13: Monitor and track job postings As an admin, I want to be able to monitor and track all job postings and user activities on the platform, so that I can have visibility into the overall platform usage. SanVinoth Pacham
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