ABACUS (Atomic-orbital Based Ab-initio Computation at UStc) Pseudopot (pseudopotential)-Nao (numerical atomic orbital) Square (APNS) is a project for continuously generating pseudopotential and numerical atomic orbital test data for ABACUS user. The project is based on the ABACUS project, which is a high-performance ab initio simulation software for electronic structure calculation.
- APNS is designed as a test data generator for ABACUS user. It can generate pseudopotential and numerical atomic orbital test data for ABACUS user.
WARNING: In principle APNS is not designed to be run on your local machine. However, if you want to run it on your local machine, you can follow the instructions below.
Prerequisites differ from workflows, currently there are three workflows. Mutual prerequisites are listed below:
- Python 3.6 or higher
- numpy
- scipy
Following lists prerequisites for each workflow:
- urllib3 (< 2.1.0)
- mp_api
- pymatgen
- seekpath
- matplotlib
- lbg (lebegue, developed by Deeptechnology Inc., for downloading groups of jobs from Bohrium Supercomputing Cloud platform)
- pytorch
- torch_optimizer
- torch_complex
python3 -m virtualenv apnsvenv
source apnsvenv/bin/activate
in .gitignore
, a line is already set for ignoring virtual environment folder entitled with substr venv
. Then you can install the package.
To install, run:
pip install .
, add -e
to install in editable mode.
pip install -e .
For APNS >= 1.0.0, no additional configuration is needed anymore, just run APNS, it will refresh the archive for pseudopotential and numerical atomic orbital (not implemented yet) automatically. However, you need to pay attention to the file ./download/pseudopotentials/rules.json
, it is for the configuration of pseudopotential archive. Once you add new kind of pseudopotential, you should always add a new rule to distinguish those pseudopotentials, like:
"rules": [
"kind": "sg15",
"version": "1.2",
"appendix": "fr",
"re.folder": ".*",
"re.file": "^([A-Z][a-z]?)(_ONCV_PBE_FR-1\\.0\\.upf)$"
, in which re.folder
and re.file
are regular expressions for matching the folder and file name of the pseudopotential.
prepare input.json
like this:
"global": {
"test_mode": "pseudopotential",
"software": "ABACUS",
"work_dir": "./",
"pseudo_dir": "./download/pseudopotentials",
"orbital_dir": "./download/numerical_orbitals",
"save_log": true
"calculation": {
"basis_type": "pw",
"functionals": ["PBE"],
"ecutwfc": [100],
"cal_force": 1,
"cal_stress": 1,
"scf_nmax": 500
"extensive": {
"characteristic_lengths": [0.0]
"systems": ["Cs", "Ba", "Hf", "Ta", "W", "Re", "Os", "Ir", "Pt", "Au", "Hg", "Tl", "Pb", "Bi", "Po", "At", "Rn"],
"materials_project": {
"api_key": "your Materials Project API key",
"n_structures": 1,
"theoretical": false,
"most_stable": true
"pseudopotentials": {
"kinds": ["all"],
"versions": [""],
"appendices": [""]
"numerical_orbitals": {
"types": ["DZP"],
"rcuts": [7, 8, 9, 10],
"appendices": [""]
APNS also supports specifying pseudopotentials
section for each element:
"pseudopotentials": {
"kinds": {"Cs": ["sg15"], "Ba": ["sg15", "dojo"]},
"versions": {"Cs": ["1.2"], "Ba": ["all"]},
"appendices": {"Cs": ["fr"], "Ba": [""]},
Then run:
python main.py -i input.json
After jobs are done, you can download with lbg
developed by DPTechnology Inc.:
lbg jobgroup download <group_id>
However if it is the first time you run lbg
, you need to configure it first:
lbg config account
, your Bohrium account and password are needed. Then edit another file named input_analysis.json
"global": {
"test_mode": "analysis",
"pseudo_dir": "./download/pseudopotentials",
"orbital_dir": "./download/numerical_orbitals"
"analysis": {
"search_domain": "./11845898",
"items": [
, in which search_domain
should be the folder (either relative or absolute path) in which APNS will search jobs to analysis, and items
are the items you want to analyze. APNS encourages users to write their own analysis workflow, once complete, add to the list
items, then driver will run them one-by-one. Then run:
python main.py -i input_analysis.json
The element in items
should be coded with respect to some workflow regulations, they are:
- always have an enter like
import argparse
def entry():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="APNS pseudopotential convergence test")
# add -i
parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", type=str, help="input json file")
args = parser.parse_args()
return args.input
def run():
path = entry()
# your code here
if __name__ == "__main__":
Then driver of analysis workflow will call the analyzer with
def run(finp: str):
with open(finp, "r") as f:
inp = json.load(f)
for item in inp["analysis"]["items"]:
item = item.replace("\\", "/").split("/")[-1]
item = item + ".py" if not item.endswith(".py") else item
item = "apns/module_analysis/drivers/" + item
if os.path.exists(item):
os.system("python " + item + " -i" + inp["analysis"]["search_domain"])
print("Warning: user-defined analysis item \"", item, "\" not found, skip.")
APNS is mainly developed and maintained by the ABACUS-AISI (Artificial Intelligence for Science Institute, BEIJING) team.