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Cocodrop 🥥

The no code, point and click airdrop.

  • Struggling with airdrops? Are you COCONUTZ?
  • Lens, POAP, POH, Sismo, what do they have in common? C🥥C🥥drops!
  • They said money doesn't grow in trees... but Cocodrops grow in Merkle trees!
  • A Cocodrop a day keeps the community engaged.


🛠 Toolchain

  • Solidity 0.8
  • Hardhat
  • Ethers
  • TheGraph
  • Chains: Gnosis Chain, Polygon Matic
  • Waffle
  • Typescript
  • Node 16
  • Yarn 3 without PlugnPlay

🏃‍♂️ Getting Started

Install the dependencies

$ npm install -g depcheck

# sets up yarn version
$ yarn prepare

$ yarn install

📂 Repo Structure

Each directory at the root of this repository contains code for each individual part that enables this integration:

  • interface/: Web front-end Learn more.
    • Notice: while this is a centralized service, it exists only for convenience. Anyone can fulfill the role of the bots if they wish to do so.
  • contracts/: Smart contracts layer Learn more.
  • subgraph/: TheGraph middleware for transactions indexing Learn more.

⛓ Deployment

See the address inside the deployment artifacts. Why we built #onPolygon.

👨‍💻 Team Contributions
