Bankist is a fictional online bank. This is a project designed by Jonas Schmedtmann to practice DOM manipulation and user interaction. You have the possibility to log into the account and use several functions, just like in a real bank!
- Login
- Transferring value to another account
- Get a loan
- Closing (deleting) an account.
It is important that there is no actual registration behind this! Be sure to use usernames in lowercase!
- Username: dk
- Password: 1111
- Username: jd
- Password: 2222
- Vanilla Javascript
I learned a lot about DOM manipulation and user interaction. I was able to practice new things for many parts of me, such as login, date and currency management based on location. I really liked the challenges that came up, both in the implementation of responsiveness and connecting the main page and the login page. I found it interesting how the DOM can be manipulated depending on who is logged in.
Thanks to everyone who gives feedback on my solution. It definitely helps you find new ways to code and find easier solutions!