PHP File Manager
Advanced PHP File Manager in a single file.
Fully responsive file manager with Web 2.0 support.
Inspired by
- PHP 5.2 or higher.
- Zip extension for zip and unzip actions.
- Fileinfo, iconv and mbstring extensions are strongly recommended.
Download ZIP with latest version from master branch.
Copy all the files to your website folder and open it with web browser (e.g. http://yoursite/any_path/files.php).
Default username/password: root/12345. password has encripted with MD5.
Warning: Please set your own username and password in $auth_users before use.
To enable/disable authentication set $use_auth to true or false.
- default is$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']
- default is'http(s)://site.domain/'
- default is'http(s)://site.domain/' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']
- default is'CP1251'
- default istrue
- default is'vs'
- default is'd.m.y H:i'
- default is""
//upload files extensionsFM_TREEVIEW
- default isfalse
- 💿 Open Source, light and extremely simple
- ℹ️ Basic features likes Create, Delete, Modify, View, Download, Copy and Move files
- ⏫ Ability to upload multiple files and file extensions filter
- 📁 Ability to create folders and files
- 🎁 Ability to compress, extract files
- 😎 Support user permissions - based on session
- 💾 Copy direct file URL
- ✏️ Edit text formats file using advanced editor
- ⚡ Backup files
- 🔎 Search - Advanced Ajax based seach
- 🌴 Tree file view
- 📁 Exclude folders from listing
‼️ lots more...