Rename anime videos to oraganize the video.
I have personally used this for many projects. 1)Naruto 2)One Piece 3)Gintama 4)Angel Beats 5)Promised neverland 6)Deamon Slayer etc..
Please go to for cli version. exe file in relaeses.
To be done exe file needs to be genearted appimage needs to generated for linux dmg file needs tro genearted for mac
1)Install node
2)Clone this repository and run commands in cmd or powershell
git clone
npm install
- Go to python home page and install python
- run both
pip install anime-renamer
pip3 install anime-renamer
npm start
- At this point the gui must open and you can use it Tested on linux and windows
click the help button for details of what the buttons do
for more detailed explanation go to