This is the frontend for a music streaming application built with React.
The application allows users to listen to music, manage playlists, and explore various features, including responsive design and interactive controls for an engaging experience.
- The Music Streaming App frontend is built using modern JavaScript frameworks and libraries to ensure responsiveness and ease of use.
- Users can browse a library of songs, create and manage playlists, and enjoy music playback through an integrated audio player.
- The app interacts with a backend API to fetch music data stored in a MongoDB Atlas database.
- The frontend communicates with the backend through Axios for seamless data management and interactions.
- Responsive UI built with React and Bootstrap.
- Music playback with a modern audio player (React-H5-Audio-Player).
- Playlist creation and management.
- User authentication and data validation using Formik and Yup.
- Notifications for Registration,Login,Forgot and Reset Password using React-Toastify.
- Routing between pages using React-Router-Dom.
- Form validation is managed using Formik and Yup.
The following technologies are used in the frontend of this application:
- React : A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Bootstrap : For responsive and mobile-first designs.
- React-Bootstrap : Bootstrap components for React.
- React-H5-Audio-Player : An audio player component for music playback.
- React-Icons : For adding icons across the application.
- React-Router-Dom : For routing and navigation.
- Formik : For handling form input.
- Yup : For form validation schema.
- Axios : For HTTP requests to the backend API.
- React-Toastify : For toast notifications.