Please see Releases.
We recommend using the most recently released version.
Please don't report security issues on GitHub. Instead, send an e-mail to dtsui [at] kyokan [dot] io (4096R/395CD3B2
) describing your issue.
The following keys may be used to sign release binaries:
Name | Fingerprint | Full Key |
Matthew Slipper (@mslipper) | 35C01D01A57FA04D9F2FF89DCB951614D58D3841 | |
Rithvik Vibhu (@rithvikvibhu) | 0393D7636C08EFA8A781F9CDE85101DF1682E27F | |
You can also import a key by running the following command with an individual’s fingerprint:
gpg --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys "<fingerprint>"
To import the full set:
gpg --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys "35C01D01A57FA04D9F2FF89DCB951614D58D3841"
gpg --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys "0393D7636C08EFA8A781F9CDE85101DF1682E27F"