An EPUB2 reader in web browsers
brv path/to/book.epub
Then, go to http://localhost:8004 in your choice of web browser to read the book.
Keyboard controls:
- Press Space to show the table of content; press again to show customisation, book info, etc; press again to hide.
- Use Shift to reverse this.
- Press Escape to hide and reveal the book.
- Press < to go to the previous page.
- Press > to go to the next page.
Some extra in Wiki
- Remembering last read position.
- Customising reading interface (and remembering it).
- Accessing table of content with one key.
Book page rendering and many functions are built into browsers, such as jumping back and forth in history. In addition, some features can be added from the web browser using extensions, e.g. dark mode, vi keymap, dictionary, to name a few.
Build the Go program after transpiling .ts to .js and .less to .css.
tsc -t es6 brv.ts
lessc brv.less brv.css
go build